Albert, Nathalie |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Albert (de)
Department of Nuclear Medicine |
Professor of Nuclear Medicine with focus on Neurooncology
Anders, Hans-Joachim |
Prof. Dr.
AG Anders
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Internal Medicine/Nephrology - Inflammation during nephron loss and renal failure
Azad, Shahnaz Christina |
Prof. Dr
Azad lab (de)
Department of Anaesthesiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship for Anaesthesiology, in particular clinical and experimental pain therapy
Bausewein, Claudia |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Bausewein (de)
Department of Palliative Medicine, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Palliative Medicine
Becker, Peter |
Prof. Dr.
Becker lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Molecular Biology |
Professorship of Molecular Biology
Behr, Jürgen |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Behr (de)
Department of Medicine V |
Chair of Clinical Pneumology
Behrends, Christian |
Prof. Dr.
Behrends lab
Professor of Systems Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Belka, Claus |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Belka (de)
Department of Radiation Oncology |
Chair of Radiotherapy
Bergwelt-Baildon, Michael von |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. von Bergwelt (de)
Department of Medicine III |
Chair of Internal Medicine with focus on Hematology and Medical Oncology
Bernhagen, Jürgen |
Prof. Dr.
Bernhagen lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Chair of Vascular Biology
Besedovsky, Luciana |
Prof. Dr.
Institute of Medical Psychology |
Professor of Medical Psychology
Böcker, Wolfgang |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Böcker (de)
Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery |
Chair of Trauma Surgery
Boulesteix, Anne-Laure |
Prof. Dr.
AG Boulesteix
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Professor of Biometry in molecular medicine
Brändli, André |
Prof. Dr.
Brändli lab
Institute of Surgical Research at the Walter-Brendel-Centre of Experimental Medicine, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Molecular Pathophysiology-Pathophysiology of Angiogenesis
Brendel, Matthias |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Brendel (de)
Department of Nuclear Medicine |
Professor of Translational Molecular Imaging
Brocker, Thomas |
Prof. Dr.
Brocker lab
Biomedical Center, Institute for Immunology |
Professorship for Immunology
Burbulla, Lena |
Prof. Dr.
Burbulla lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Metabolic Biochemistry |
Professorship of Metabolic Biochemistry of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Canis, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Canis (de)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Otorhinolaryngology, Head-and Neck-Surgery
Cappello, Silvia |
Prof. Dr.
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Genomics |
Professorship of Molecular Physiology of Neurogenesis
Coan, Paola |
Univ. Prof., Ph.D.
AG Coan
Department of Radiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Molecular Pathophysiology-Pathophysiology of Angiogenesis
Colomé-Tatché, Maria |
Prof. Dr.
Colomé-Tatché lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Chemistry |
Professorship of Functional Genomics and Cell Biology
Daniel, Carolin |
Prof. Dr.
Daniel lab
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Immunomodulation
Dendorfer, Andreas |
Univ. Prof. Dr.
AG Dendorfer
Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology at the Walter-Brendel-Centre of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine |
Professorship for Cellular Signal Transduction
Dichgans, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
Dichgans lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Chair of Translational Stroke and Dementia Research
Diefenbacher, Markus |
Prof. Dr.
Diefenbacher lab
Institute of Experimental Pneumology |
Professor of Immuno Oncology of the Lung and Pleura
Dietrich, Alexander |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Dietrich lab
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Dinkel, Julien |
Prof. Dr.
AG Dinkel (de)
Department of Radiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Thoracic Imaging
Dreischulte, Tobias |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Dreischulte
Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine |
Professor of Clinical Health Service Research
Drey, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
AG Drey
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Internal Medicine - Geriatry
Dreyling, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
AG Dreyling (de)
Department of Medicine III |
Professor of immunotherapy and molecular biology
Dürr, Roland |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Dürr (de)
Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery |
Professor of Orthopaedics
Echternach, Matthias |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Echternach (de)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of phoniatrics and pediatric audiology
Edbauer, Dieter |
Prof. Dr.
AG Edbauer
Professor of Translational Neurobiochemistry
Edelhoff, Daniel |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Edelhoff (de)
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry |
Chair of Prosthetic Dentistry
Ege, Markus |
Prof. Dr.
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of clinical-pulmonary epidemiology
Ehrt, Oliver |
Univ. Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Ehrt (de)
Department of Ophthalmology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship for Ophthalmology with focus on Strabismology, Paediatric Ophthalmology and Neuro-ophthalmology
Endres, Stefan |
Prof. Dr.
AG Endres
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology of Internal Medicine
Ertürk, Ali |
Prof. Dr.
Ertürk lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Chair of Systems Biology and Technology Transfer
Eulenburg, Peter zu |
Prof. Dr.
AG Eulenburg (de)
Department of Radiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Multimodal Imaging of Sensorimotor Systems
Ewers, Michale |
Prof. , Ph.D.
Ewers lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Professor for Neuroimaging: Stroke and Dementia Research
Falkai, Peter G. |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Falkai (de)
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Falter-Wagner, Christine |
Prof. Dr.
AG Falter-Wagner
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Clinical Developmental Psychology with focus on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Fischereder, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
AG Fischereder
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor for internal medicine, especially kidney and high pressure diseases
Flemmer, Andreas W. |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Flemmer (de)
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of Neonatology
French, Lars E. |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. French (de)
Department of Dermatology and Allergy, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Dermatology and Venerology
Führer, Monika |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Führer (de)
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of pediatric palliative care
Gärtner, Florian |
Prof. Dr.
AG Gärtner (de)
Department of Medicine I |
Professor of Cell Migration in Cardiovascular Disease
García Cáceres, Cristina |
Prof. Dr.
AG García Cáceres
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Neuroendocrinology of Systems Metabolism
Gensichen, Jochen S. |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Gensichen
Institute of General Practice and Family Medicine |
Chair of General Practice and Family Medicine
Gerd, Schulte-Körne |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Schulte-Körne (de)
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy |
Chair of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy
Gires, Olivier |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Gires (de)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of theoretical and experimental biology in ear, nose and throat medicine
Giunta, Riccardo |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Giunta (de)
Division of Hand, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery |
Professor for Hand, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
Glaß, Rainer |
Prof. Dr.
AG Glass (de)
Department of Neurosurgery, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship in Neurosurgical Research (with focus on Neuro-Oncology)
Gödeke, Jan |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Gödeke (de)
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of Digital Health in Pediatric Surgery
Götz, Magdalena |
Prof. Dr.
Götz lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Genomics |
Professorship of Physiological Genomics
Graw, Matthias |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Graw
Institute of Forensic Medicine |
Chair of Forensic Medicine
Grill, Eva |
Prof. Dr.
AG Grill
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Professor for Epidemiology of Vertigo and Dizziness
Grimm, Christian Michael |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil.
Grimm lab
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Professorship for Molecular Pharmacology
Grosche, Antje |
Prof. Dr.
Grosche lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Genomics |
Professorship of Molecular Neurophysiology
Gudermann, Thomas |
Prof. Dr. med.
General Pharmacology and Toxicology
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Head and Chair
Haas, Nikolaus |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Haas (de)
Division of Pediatric Cardiology and Intensive Care |
Professor of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Defects
Haass, Christian |
Prof. Dr.
Haass lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Metabolic Biochemistry |
Professorship of Metabolic Biochemistry
Hagl, Christian |
Univ. Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Hagl (de)
Department of Cardiac Surgery, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Surgery
Harbeck, Nadia |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Harbeck (de)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Conservative Oncology
Harter, Patrick |
Prof. Dr.
AG Harter (de)
Institute of Neuropathology |
Professor of Molecular Neuropathology
Hatz, Rudolf |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Hatz (de)
Division of Thoracic Surgery, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Thoracic Surgery
Heinen, Florian |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Heinen (de)
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of neuropediatrics
Heinzerling, Lucie |
Prof. Dr.
AG Heinzerling
Department of Dermatology and Allergy, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Dermatology and Venereology with main emphasis on Dermato-Oncology
Heissmeyer, Vigo |
Prof. Dr.
Heissmeyer lab
Biomedical Center, Institute for Immunology |
Professorship for Systemic Immunology
Helfrich, Iris |
Prof. Dr.
AG Helfrich (de)
Department of Dermatology and Allergy, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Experimental Dermato-Oncology
Hennenberg, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Hennenberg (de)
Department of Urology |
Professorship of Uro-Physiological Research
Hermeking, Heiko |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Herms, Jochen |
Prof. Dr.
AG Herms (de)
Institute of Neuropathology |
Chair of Neuropathology
Hesse, Eric |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Hesse
Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine |
Chair of Molecular Musculoskeletal Research
Hintschich, Christoph |
Prof. Dr.
AG Hintschich (de)
Department of Ophthalmology, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Ophthalmology
Höglinger, Günter |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Höglinger (de)
Department of Neurology |
Chair of Neurology
Hölscher, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Hölscher (de)
Institute of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine |
Chair of Global Health & Infectious Diseases
Hofmann, Susanna |
Prof. Dr.
AG Hofmann
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Lipidology and Metabolic Desease
Holdt, Lesca |
Prof. Dr. Dr.
More about Prof. Holdt (de)
Institute of Laboratory Medicine |
Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Functional Genetics
Holzapfel, Boris |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Holzapfel (de)
Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery |
Chair of Orthopaedics
Hoster, Eva |
Prof. Dr.
AG Hoster
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Professor of Medical Biometry with a Focus on Clinical Epidemiology
Humpe, Andreas |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Humpe (de)
Division of Transfusion Medicine, Cell Therapeutics and Haemostaseology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapeutics
Imhof, Axel |
Prof. Dr.
Imhof lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Molecular Biology and Core Facility Proteomics |
Professorship for Protein Analytics
Inga, Körte |
Prof. Dr.
AG Körte (de)
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy |
Professor of Neurobiological Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Ingrisch, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
AG Ingrisch
Department of Radiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Clinical Data Science in Radiology
Jeremias, Irmela |
Prof. Dr.
Jeremias lab
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of Translational apoptosis research in Pediatric Oncology
Josenhans, Christine |
Prof. Dr.
AG Josenhans
Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology |
Professor of Medical Microbiology
Jurmeister, Philipp |
Prof. Dr. med.
Kaeppler, Gabriele |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Kaeppler (de)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery |
Professorship for dental x-rays and dental surgery
Keppler, Oliver |
Prof. Dr.
AG Keppler
Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology |
Chair of Virology
Kerschensteiner, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
Kerschensteiner lab
Biomedical Center, Institute of Clinical Neuroimmunology |
Professorship of Neurosciences and Clinical Neuroimmunology
Kiebler, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
Kiebler lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Cell Biology/Anatomy III |
Professorship for Anatomy III - Cell Biology
Klauschen, Frederick |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
Pathology |
Klein, Christoph |
Prof. Dr.
Klein lab
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Chair of pediatrics
Klein , Ludger |
Prof. Dr.
Klein lab
Biomedical Center, Institute for Immunology and Core Facility Flow Cytometry |
Professorship for Cellular Immunology
Knösel, Thomas |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
Kobold, Sebastian |
Prof. Dr.
Kobold lab
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of experimental immunooncology
Koutsouleris, Nikolaos |
Prof. Dr.
AG Koutsouleris
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Precision Psychiatry
Kreth, Simone |
Prof. Dr. Dr.
More about Prof. Kreth (de)
Department of Anaesthesiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Anesthesiology with special focus on Experimental Anesthesiology
Kröger, Stephan |
Prof. Dr.
Kröger lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Genomics |
Professorship of molecular physiology of adult neurogenesis
Krug, Anne |
Prof. Dr.
Krug lab
Biomedical Center, Institute for Immunology |
Professorship in Experimental Immunology
Kunzelmann, Karl-Heinz |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Kunzelmann (de)
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology |
Professor of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology
Ladurner, Andreas |
Prof. Dr.
Ladurner lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Chemistry and Core Facility Biophysics |
Professorship for Physiological Chemistry
Landry, Guillaume |
Prof. Dr.
Landry lab
Department of Radiation Oncology |
Professor of Image-Guided Radiotherapy
Lange, Christian |
Prof. Dr.
AG Lange (de)
Department of Medicine II |
Professor of Hepatology with a special focus on liver transplantation
Lauber, Kirsten |
Prof. Dr.
AG Lauber (de)
Department of Radiation Oncology |
Professor of Molecular Oncology with a focus on radiation oncology
Lauffer, Felix |
Prof. Dr.
Department of Dermatology and Allergy
Department of Dermatology and Allergy, |
Levin, Johannes |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Levin (de)
Department of Neurology |
Professor of Clinical Neurodegeneration
Liebig, Thomas |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Liebig (de)
Institute of Neuroradiology |
Chair of Neuroradiology
Liesz, Arthur |
Prof. Dr.
Liesz lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Professor of Stroke Immunology
Lindner, Lars |
Prof. Dr.
AG Lindner (de)
Department of Medicine III |
Professor of Sarcoma Treatment
Mahner, Sven |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Mahner (de)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Mansmann, Ulrich |
Prof. Dr.
AG Mansmann
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Chair of biometrics and bioinformatics
Marckmann, Georg |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Marckmann
Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine |
Chair of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine
Marten-Steffens, Sabine |
Prof. Dr.
Steffens lab
Institute of Cardiovascular Prevention |
Professor of Clinical Pathobiochemistry
Martin, Fischer |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Fischer (de)
Institute of Medical Education |
Chair of Medical Education
Massberg, Steffen |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Massberg (de)
Department of Medicine I |
Chair of Internal Medicine - Cardiology
Mayerhofer, Artur |
Prof. Dr.
Mayerhofer lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Cell Biology/Anatomy III |
Professorship of Molecular Anatomy
Mayerle, Julia |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Mayerle (de)
Department of Medicine II |
Chair of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Merkus, Daphne |
Prof. Dr.
AG Merkus
Chair of Large animal models for translational biomedical research
Merrow, Martha |
Prof. Dr. med. habil., Ph.D., i.R.
Meyer, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
Meyer lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Cellular Physiology |
Professorship of Molecular Neurophysiology
Michalakis, Stylianos |
Prof. Dr.
AG Michalakis (de)
Department of Ophthalmology, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of gene therapy of eye diseases
Michel, Sebastian |
Prof. Dr.
AG Michel (de)
Department of Cardiac Surgery, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Pediatric Thoracic Organ Transplantation and Mechanical Cardiopulmonary Support
Misselwitz, Benjamin |
Prof. Dr.
Department of Medicine II |
Professor of Gastroenterology with a Focus on Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Müller, Peter |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Müller (de)
Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery |
Professor of Orthopaedics
Müller, Timo |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Müller lab
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Professorship for Molecular Pharmacology of Energy and Glucose Metabolism
Muensterer, Oliver |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Muensterer (de)
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Chair of Paediatric Surgery
Myoga, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
Myoga lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Genomics |
Professorship of cellular neurophysiology
Neher, Jonas |
Prof. Dr.
Neher lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Metabolic Biochemistry |
Professorship of Metabolic Biochemistry
Neuberger, Arthur |
Prof., PhD
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Professorship für Molecular Imaging
Nicke, Annette |
Prof. Dr. phil. nat.
Nicke lab
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Professorship for Molecular Toxicology
Ninkovic, Jovica |
Prof. Dr.
Ninkovic lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Cell Biology/Anatomy III |
Professorship of Regeneration and Plasticity of the CNS
Nowak, Dennis |
Prof. Dr. med.
Website Dennis Nowak
Institute and Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine |
Chair of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Nußbaum-Krammer, Carmen |
Prof. Dr.
Nussbaum Lab
Institute of Anatomy |
Professorship of Anatomy (C. elegans research)
Otto, Sven |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Otto (de)
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery |
Chair of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery
Paquet, Dominik |
Prof. Dr.
Paquet lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Professor of Neurobiology
Perneczky, Robert |
Prof. Dr.
AG Perneczky
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of psychiatric translational research in dementia
Peters, Annette |
Prof. Dr.
AG Peters
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Chair of Epidemiology
Plesnila, Nikolaus |
Prof. Dr.
Plesnila lab
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research |
Professor of Experimental Stroke Research
Priglinger, Siegfried |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Priglinger (de)
Department of Ophthalmology, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Ophthalmology
Rader, Tobias |
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
More about Prof. Rader (de)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Experimental and Clinical Audiology
Rehfuess, Eva |
Prof. Dr.
AG Rehfuess
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Chair of Public Health and Health Service Research
Reincke, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Reincke (de)
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Internal Medicine
Reisch-Pawlu, Nicole |
Prof. Dr.
AG Reisch
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Internal Medicine/Endocrinology - Congenital Adrenal and Gonadal Disorders
Ricke-Laville, Jens |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Ricke (de)
Department of Radiology, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Radiology
Robles, Maria |
Prof., PhD.
Robles lab
Institute of Medical Psychology |
Professor of Medical Psychology and Biological Timing
Rothenfußer, Simon |
Prof. Dr.
Rothenfußer lab
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of immunopharmacology
Roßner, Moritz |
Prof. Dr.
AG Roßner
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Molecular Neurobiology and Animal Models of Psychiatric Diseases
Rudelius, Martina |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med
Professur für Klinische Pathologie
Santovito, Donato |
Prof. Dr.
Santovito lab
Institute of Cardiovascular Prevention |
Professor of Vascular Immunotherapy
Schaub, Bianca |
Prof. Dr.
Schaub lab
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital |
Professor of Environment and development of immunological tolerance
Schiltz, Kolja |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Schiltz
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Forensic Psychiatry
Schmitz, Christoph |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Schmitz (in German)
Institute of Anatomy |
Chair of Anatomy II - Neuroanatomy
Schober, Andreas |
Prof. Dr.
Schober lab
Institute of Cardiovascular Prevention |
Professor of Experimental Vascular Medicine
Schotta , Gunnar |
Prof. Dr.
Schotta lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Molecular Biology |
Professorship of Molecular Epigenetics
Schraml-Schotta, Barbara |
Prof. Dr.
Schraml lab
Biomedical Center, Institute for Immunology |
Professorship for Physiology of Inflammatory Cells
Schulze, Thomas G. |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Schulze (de)
Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics |
Chair of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics
Schulze-Koops, Hendrik |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Schulze-Koops
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Internal Medicine - Rheumatology
Schwendicke, Falk |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Schwendicke (de)
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology |
Chair of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology
Seidensticker, Max |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Seidensticker (de)
Department of Radiology, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Radiological Image Guidance in Minimal-invasive Oncology
Seißler, Jochen |
Prof. Dr.
AG Seißler
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Internal Medicine - Diabetology
Senderek, Jan |
Prof. Dr.
Department of Neurology |
Professor of Research in Neuromuscular Diseases
Sos, Martin |
Prof. Dr.
Sos lab
Chair of Translational Oncology with Focus on Reverse Translation
Sperandio, Markus |
Prof. Dr.
Sperandio lab
Biomedical Center, Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology |
Professorship of Physiology of Microcirculation
Stadler, Matthias |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Stadler (de)
Institute of Medical Education |
Professor of Learning Analytics in Medicine
Stark, Konstantin |
Prof. Dr.
AG Stark (de)
Department of Medicine I |
Professor of Vascular inflammation and thrombosis
Stawarczyk, Bogna |
Prof. Dr.
AG Stawarczyk (de)
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry |
Professor of Dental Material Science and Dental Technology
Stecher-Letsch, Barbara |
Prof. Dr.
AG Stecher
Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology |
Professor for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Steinlein, Ortrud |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Steinlein (de)
Institute of Human Genetics |
Chair of Human Genetics
Stief, Christian |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Stief (de)
Department of Urology |
Chair of Urology
Stöckl, Heidi |
Prof., Ph.D.
AG Stöckl (de)
Institute of Medical Data Processing, Biometrics and Epidemiology |
Professorship of Public Health Evaluation
Stricker, Stefan |
Prof. Dr.
Stricker lab
Biomedical Center, Division of Physiological Genomics |
Professorship of Reprogramming and Regeneration
Strupp, Michael |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Strupp (de)
Department of Neurology |
Professor of Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology
Subklewe, Marion |
Prof. Dr.
Subklewe lab
Department of Medicine III |
Professor of Internal Medicine with special Focus on Cellular Immunotherapy
Suerbaum, Sebastian |
Prof. Dr.
AG Suerbaum
Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology |
Chair of Medical Microbology and Hospital Hygiene
Szelényi, Andrea |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Szelényi (de)
Department of Neurosurgery, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Neurosurgery with focus on Clinical Neurophysiology
Taipaleenmäki, Hanna |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Taipaleenmäki
Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine |
Professor of Molecular Musculoskeletal Oncology
Teupser, Daniel |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Teupser (de)
Institute of Laboratory Medicine |
Chair of Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Chemistry)
Theodoropoulou, Marily |
Prof. Dr.
AG Theodoropoulou
Department of Medicine IV, LMU University Hospital |
Professor of Neuroendocrinology
Theurich, Sebastian |
Prof. Dr.
AG Theurich (de)
Department of Medicine III |
Professor of Cancer- and Immunmetabolism
Tsilimparis, Nikolaos |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Tsilimparis (de)
Division of Vascular Surgery, LMU University Hospital |
Professorship of Vascular Surgery
Tufman, Amanda |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Tufman (de)
Department of Medicine V |
Professor of Thoracic Oncology
Unger, Kristian |
Prof. Dr.
AG Unger
Department of Radiation Oncology |
Professor of AI-based Therapy Steering in Personalized Oncology
Vieluf, Solveig |
Prof. Dr.
Department of Medicine I |
Professor of Artificial intelligence-based telemonitoring
Wahl-Ommer, Anna-Sophie |
Prof. Dr. Dr.
More about Prof. Wahl (de)
Institute of Anatomy |
Professor of Neuroanatomy
Wahl-Schott , Christian |
Prof. Dr.
Wahl-Schott lab
Biomedical Center, Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology |
Professorship of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology
Walzog, Barbara |
Prof. Dr.
Walzog lab
Biomedical Center, Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology |
Professorship for Physioloy
Waschke, Jens |
Prof. Dr.
AG Waschke
Institute of Anatomy |
Chair of anatomy I - vegetative anatomy
Weber, Christian |
Prof. Dr.
Weber lab
Institute of Cardiovascular Prevention |
Chair of preventive vascular medicine
Weigert, Oliver |
Prof. Dr.
AG Weigert (de)
Department of Medicine III |
Professor of Translational Lymphoma Research
Wendling, Carolin |
Prof. Dr.
AG Wendling
Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology |
Professor of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
Werner, Jens |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Werner (de)
Department of General, Visceral und Transplantation Surgery, |
Chair of General, Visceral und Transplantation Surgery
Wichelhaus, Andrea |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Wichelhaus (de)
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics |
Chair of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Yildirim, Ali Önder |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Yildirim
Institute of Experimental Pneumology |
Professor of Experimental Pneumology
Zwergal, Andreas |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Zwergal (de)
Department of Neurology |
Professor of Vertigo and Balance Disorders
Zwißler, Bernhard |
Prof. Dr.
More about Prof. Zwißler (de)
Department of Anaesthesiology, LMU University Hospital |
Chair of Anaesthesiology