About us
The Biomedical Center stands for scientific excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, collegial engagement, and a culture of mutual respect
The Biomedical Center (BMC) was opened in 2015 and brings together eight research-intensive divisions and institutes of the Medical Faculty of LMU Munich under one roof. Embedded in the Life Science Campus Großhadern/Martinsried, the BMC offers an outstanding research infrastructure and ideal conditions for top-class interdisciplinary research and teaching.
The research groups at the BMC bridge the gap between basic research and clinical application. Six Core Facilities offer researchers access to cutting-edge technologies. Our service facilities support research and teaching.
Our Code of Conduct
At the BMC, we stand for the promotion of cooperation, the development of talent and integrity in our actions. After extensive discussions with representatives of all interest groups, we have summarized these principles in a Code of Conduct.