Contact and Directions
How to find us
How to find us
Biomedical Center
LMU Munich
Grosshaderner Str. 9
82152 Planegg-Martinsried
Lost property can be collected from or handed in at the nearest campus security office.
At the BMC, lost property is deposited at the guard office (to be reached via the "Anlieferhof" (delivery yard), follow the signs from the car park; +49 89 2180 71725).
If you have lost something on campus, you can contact the Central Campus Control Centre ("Leitwarte") to find out where lost property from the respective area is handed in: +49 89 2180-77790
Posters require authorisation. Please contact "Infrastruktureller Gebäudebetrieb" on campus or the BMC Facility Management to obtain approval.
Posters without approval will be removed promptly. The distribution of advertising material is prohibited in all university buildings and on all university property.
Facility Management BMC:
Please report to the BMC guards (office in the "Anlieferhof" (delivery yard), follow the signs from the car park) and ask the security staff for the ‘Blunck’ facility management staff.
Infrastruktureller Gebäudebetrieb:
Michael Hauf
+49 89 2180 79152
There is no central internship directory for the Biomedical Center. To enquire about the possibility of an internship, please get in touch directly with the contact persons in the research areas, core facilities or service units of the BMC you are interested in.
To book seminar rooms and lecture halls as well as guest rooms, please contact "Hörsaalvergabe" on campus: Hoersaalservice.GH-M@Verwaltung.Uni-Muenchen.DE
The CIP room at the BMC can be requested via
BMC building overview (JPG, 150 KB)
By car
By car, the BMC can only be reached via the street 'Am Klopferspitz'. The visitor parking lots are also located there.
By public transportation
By airplane