Submission of your dissertation

Your thesis is submitted electronically via the Campus Portal and in printed form to the Doctoral Office. Once the electronic and printed versions, as well as all documents, have been submitted, the assessment of your thesis begins.

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You can download all the necessary forms pre-filled from the Campus Portal:

To submit, first fill out the “Application for admission to the doctoral examination” in the Campus Portal and enter the final title of your thesis, then save!
You can then download all the pre-filled forms from your Campus Portal.

The submission of your dissertation

  • First, fill out the tab “Antrag auf Zulassung zur Promotion zum Doktor der Humanbiologie” in the Campus Portal and enter the final title of your thesis, then save!
  • Now, you can download all pre-filled forms from your Campus Portal.
  • Use either the German or the English version of the forms.

Please upload the following documents to the Campus Portal:

  1. Electronic version of the dissertation (PDF format, max. 10 Mb, reduce file size).
  2. Confirmation of concurrency of the printed and the electronic version (PDF format) of the dissertation with signature. Please download the form from your Campus Portal.
  3. Confirmation of co-authors (only required when submitting a cumulative dissertation). Please download the forms from your Campus Portal, have them signed and upload them again.
  4. Form “Münchener Universitätsgesellschaft”. Please download the form from your Campus Portal.
  5. Confirmation of exmatriculation (alternatively: certificate of study progress or matriculation record)
  6. Declaration concerning external studies, if applicable, lease download the form from your Campus Portal.
  7. Statement by your supervisor on the “iThenticate” report (more information under “iThenticate - verification of text matches”)
  8. Consent of the director of the institution where the data were generated, if applicable (only if the data were collected at an external institution)
  9. ethical and legal clearance, if applicable
  10. Official private certificate of good conduct (not older than 3 months)
  11. Confirmation of 2-year scientific employment. Please download the form from your Campus Portal.

  1. Application for admission to doctoral studies (Antrag auf Zulassung zur Promotion zum Doktor der Humanbiologie). Please download the form from your Campus Portal.
  2. Printed version of the dissertation (one copy) DIN A 4 bound (adhesive binding, no ring binding!) in German or English including a German and English summary
  3. The following documents must be included in the dissertation (printed and electronic version):
    1. Affidavit with signature. Please download the form from your Campus Portal.
    2. Confirmation of congruency of the bound and electronic version (PDF format) of the dissertation with signature. Please download the form from your Campus Portal.
    3. Curriculum vitae with signature.
    4. List of publications
  4. Doctoral supervision agreement with original signatures
  5. Consent of the institution management if the data was collected at an external institution
  6. Official private certificate of good conduct (not older than 3 months)
  7. complete logbook (all required agreements, proof of full-time research or equivalent work completed, training program completed)

Send by post to: Doctoral Office, Promotionsbüro, Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät, Bavariaring 19, 80336 München
or drop it in the mailbox at the Dean's Office. The mailbox is to the right of the entrance at the garden gate. Please divide your documents into several envelopes if one envelope is too bulky for a regular letterbox slot.

The submission of your thesis is considered complete when both the electronic version and the printed version have been received by the doctoral office. You do not need to submit your dissertation on a USB stick or DVD.

More questions?

You have any questions? Just have a look at our FAQs. If you cannot find the answers to your questions there, please contact our team in the Doctoral Office.
An overview with all related documents for download is available in our Download Center.