What is a cumulative dissertation?
For a cumulative dissertation, you summarize several scientific articles, in the creation of which you were involved, into a doctoral thesis with the help of a mantle text.
Please bear the following in mind:
The basis for the assessment of cumulative dissertations is not the paper itself, but your contribution to the respective publication!
This is why you have to present your own contribution to each publication in the introduction. The best way to do this is in a separate small chapter. Here you should explain exactly what your contributions to the publication were.
This declaration must be available for all articles and is always required if there is more than one author, i.e. even if only your supervisor has co-authorship.
Since publications that are to be part of a cumulative dissertation must have been demonstrably produced as part of the doctoral project, the doctoral supervisor or at least one of the TAC members must also be a co-author of the publications.
Please note: If you registered for your doctorate in human medicine, dentistry and human biology (degree objective: Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum.) before October 1, 2018, i.e. according to the "old doctoral regulations", then publications that you would like to use in your cumulative dissertation may not be part of another ongoing or completed cumulative dissertation!
Information on submitting your dissertation and templates for your cumulative dissertation
Here you will find information on submitting your dissertation and Word templates that you can use as templates for the structure of your cumulative dissertation.