Do you still have questions? Then simply take a look at our FAQs.
Do you still have questions? Then simply take a look at our FAQs.
New or old study regulations for the Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. or Dr. rer. biol. hum.?
Ph.D. Medical Research: For candidates in the Ph.D. Medical Research there is only one study regulation (PDF, 182 KB).
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften
For candidates in the Dr. rer. nat. there is only one study regulation (PDF, 106 KB).
The members of the doctoral committees are elected by the faculty council every two to four years. Decisions on doctoral matters are the responsibility of the relevant doctoral committee, unless they have been delegated to the dean, the supervisor, the supervisory committee, the examination committee or the faculty council by the relevant doctoral regulations.
The doctoral committee should not be confused with your Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC), which will guide you through your doctorate, and your examination committee, which will assess your disputation and, if applicable, your dissertation.
Doctoral candidates in human medicine, dentistry and human biology:
Your doctoral project will be supervised by a three-member supervisory committee - the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC must fulfill the following criteria:
Doctoral candidates in the natural sciences:
Your supervisor must be at least habilitated and have a doctorate in a natural science (i.e. also hold a Dr. rer. nat. themselves).
Doctoral candidates in Ph.D. Medical Research:
Your doctoral project will be supervised by a three-member supervisory committee - the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC must fulfill the following criteria:
Can someone who has not yet been accepted for habilitation and is not a professor supervise my work?
Yes, doctoral researchers who lead their own research group and are funded by the DFG's Emmy Noether Program, the Max Eder Program or their own ERC grant may supervise doctoral students, even if they have not yet been accepted for habilitation.
Do I need a supervisory committee?
How many members must my supervisory committee have?
When do I need to know the members of my supervisory committee?
What is an "exceptionally successful early career researcher"?
These are doctoral researchers who are funded through the DFG's Emmy Noether Program, the Max Eder Program or their own ERC grant.
For doctoral candidates with the degree goal Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum:
For doctoral candidates aiming for the Dr. rer. nat:
For doctoral candidates aiming for the Ph.D. Medical Research:
If one of the members of the TAC falls ill for a longer period of time and is unable to organize a replacement, you should proceed as follows:
My doctoral supervisor or one of my TAC members is leaving LMU. What do I have to do?
When are original signatures required?
You need original signatures (handwritten) on your:
If, for logistical reasons, you are unable to submit all original signatures at the time you register your thesis, you can submit the originals later when you submit your thesis.
Please note: the originals must be submitted by the submission date at the latest, otherwise the thesis cannot be accepted!
Electronic signatures or scans of the signatures of the members of your supervisory committee are sufficient for all other documents relating to the registration and supervision of your dissertation.
You need the original signature of your 1st TAC member on the application for the doctoral scholarship of the Faculty of Medicine.
New or old study regulations for the Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. or Dr. rer. biol. hum.?
We have compiled the most important steps in a video guide for doctoral students in medicine, dentistry and human biology:
If you would like to do a doctorate in human medicine, dentistry or human biology, please do the following:
If you have been accepted for the Ph.D. Medical Research by one of the core areas or associated programs:
If you are aiming for a doctor in the natural sciences, please do the following:
I don't see any progress in the Campus Portal. Is everything still OK or is there a problem?
There is no cause for concern. The Campus Portal does not reflect all progress relating to the registration and evaluation of your project in real time. If documents are still missing or there are any problems, we will contact you.
Please do not forget to send the original documents that are required to the doctoral office.
I have submitted my documents on time, but I don't see a change of status in the Campus Portal. Do I need to worry?
You do not need to worry. The Campus Portal does not reflect all progress relating to the registration and evaluation of your doctoral thesis in real time. If documents are still missing or there are any problems, we will contact you.
If you would like to do a doctorate in human medicine, dentistry or human biology, please do the following:
If you have been accepted for the Ph.D. Medical Research by one of the focus or associated programs:
If you would like to pursue a doctorate in the natural sciences, please do the following:
What is full-time research and who does it apply to?
As a doctoral candidate in medicine, dentistry or human biology, can I have part of the full-time research I have already completed before officially registering?
Do I have to complete the full-time research in one go?
Can I split the full-time research in order to pursue another activity?
Would working alongside the full-time research extend your research time for the Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. ?
What is the situation with the Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. degrees with the equivalent work instead of the 8 months of full-time research? The same number of hours as 8 months full-time, i.e. 1280 hours?
For the Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. degree objectives, can I decide for myself when I start the full-time research/module 6 after registering for the doctorate or does this have to be immediately after registration?
Can I complete the entire 8 months of full-time research abroad for the Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. if 2 supervisors are from LMU?
Who confirms that I have completed full-time research?
Who determines which credits will count towards my full-time research?
Do the exact start and end dates of the full-time research have to be specified?
Am I allowed to participate in block courses during my full-time research, e.g. the general medicine internship, which I am allowed to complete in Module 6? Are there "vacation days" in the lab for this?
How strict is it with the 8 months of full-time research for dentistry doctoral students with regard to the assistantship?
Are the 8 months of full-time research for doctoral candidates in medicine and dentistry to be understood as months in the legal sense or can they simply be based on the regular semester periods?
Can I also take the 2nd state examination during full-time research?
When do I need an ethics application?
When do I have to register my project?
What happens at the interim evaluation?
When do I have to have my interim evaluation?
When do I have to have my final evaluation?
Do I need an extension for my doctoral degree?
Curriculum for the Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum. (new study regulations):
How often do I have to attend the lecture series on Good Scientific Practice?
What is meant by “interdisciplinary” topics in the curriculum?
When can/should I complete the curriculum?
How do I get credit for courses/workshops if I am not yet registered with the MMRS?
Are there criteria for the interdisciplinary courses of the accompanying curriculum?
Does the MMRS lecture series count towards the interdisciplinary curriculum in the logbook?
What is “interdisciplinary” and what is “subject-specific” in regard to the curriculum?
Do the courses have to be from the Faculty of Medicine or the LMU?
What is full-time research and who does it apply to?
Can I get credit for part of the full-time research completed before the official registration?
Do I have to complete the 8 months of full-time research in one go?
Can I split the full-time research in order to pursue another activity (e.g. as a licensed doctor with a degree abroad)?
Would working alongside full-time research extend your research time?
What about the equivalence work instead of the 8 months of full-time research? The same number of hours as 8 months full-time, i.e. 1280 hours?
Can I decide for myself when to start the full-time research/module 6 after registering my project or does it have to be immediately after registration?
Can I complete 8 months of full-time research abroad if 2 supervisors are from the Medical Faculty of the LMU?
Who certifies the 8 months of full-time research?
Who determines which achievements are credited for my full-time research?
Do the exact start and end dates of the 8 months of full-time research have to be specified?
During full-time research, can I take part in block practical courses that I am allowed to complete in Module 6, such as the general medicine practical course? Are there “vacation days” in the lab for this?
How strict is the 8 months of full-time research for dentists with regard to the residency period?
Are the 8 months of full-time research to be understood as months in the legal sense or can you simply use the regular semester periods as a guide?
Can I also take the 2nd state examination during full-time research?
The LMU Klinikum and its employees are covered by a public liability insurance policy. Personal statutory liability for doctoral candidates arising from official activities is also covered.
Am I eligible to receive the doctoral fellowship by the LMU Faculty of Medicine?
When can I start receiving the fellowship?
When do I have to apply for the doctoral fellowship at the latest?
What do I need to bear in mind when applying for a doctoral fellowship?
Can the doctoral scholarship be combined with other scholarships?
Can I submit one original and one copy of the application for the doctoral scholarship or do I have to submit 2 originals?
Can I apply for the doctoral fellowship even after I have registered my doctoral thesis if I have not yet submitted the target agreement? Will 8 months still be paid out in this case?
Doctoral candidates who are already funded by programs of the LMU Faculty of Medicine (e.g. FöFoLe) are not eligible to apply.
Curriculum for the Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum. (new study regulations):
How often do I have to attend the lecture series on Good Scientific Practice?
What is meant by “interdisciplinary” topics in the curriculum?
When can/should I complete the curriculum?
How do I get credit for courses/workshops if I am not yet registered with the MMRS?
Are there criteria for the interdisciplinary courses of the accompanying curriculum?
Does the MMRS lecture series count towards the interdisciplinary curriculum in the logbook?
What is “interdisciplinary” and what is “subject-specific” in regard to the curriculum?
Do the courses have to be from the Faculty of Medicine or the LMU?
Doctoral candidates in Ph.D. Medical Research can find all information about the curriculum on our homepage.
How do I get the eligibility to enrol for a doctoral degree?
Do I have to be enrolled at LMU during my doctoral degree??
Please note: Doctoral candidates for the Ph.D. Medical Research must be enrolled as doctoral students for at least 6 semesters.
I don't want to enroll, but I need the LMU campus ID to access the university library's e-media. What do I have to do?
Review copies:
Statutory copies:
Conclusion: You must definitely have your dissertation printed twice - first as a review copy and after the successful defense as a statutory copy. In both cases, an inexpensive adhesive binding with softcover is sufficient!
How should my dissertation be formatted if I am writing a monograph??
You must include the following in your work:
How should my dissertation be formatted if I am writing a cumulative thesis?
Formal structure:
What binding and paper quality do I need for my dissertation?
The version of the dissertation that you submit to the Dean's Office is only for the review of your thesis and will not be published!
You publish a version of your dissertation, the so-called statutory copies, only after your defense via the university library. The statutory copies can be corrected if necessary and should be prepared without personal data in your CV or address.
he maximum file size for a dissertation submitted via the campus portal is 10 MB. There are several ways to reduce the file size if required.
Both websites only show a small selection of options, and several other online tools exists.
If you want to include PDFs of publications in your work, please save all parts individually as PDFs and then merge them into one PDF file. Do not insert publications as full-page images into a Word file before converting the Word file into a PDF file. Files created in this way are far too large to upload. In addition, the text of your publication will be converted into an image and will no longer be searchable, which is very inconvenient for reviewers!
What binding and paper quality do I need for my dissertation?
Where does my supervisor or 1st TAC member have to sign in the statutory copy?
What do I enter under “Mitberichterstatter” and “Datum der mündlichen Prüfung”?
Does the affidavit have to be signed in the electronic version of the statutory copy, which is submitted as a PDF?
Should I copy the affidavit and the declaration of congruency from the review copies or do I have to update them?
Do I have to leave my CV in the deposit copies?
What format should my deposit copies have?
Are there any regulations regarding the font form and font color for the mandatory copies?
When should I upload the electronic version of my thesis?
How should the statutory copy be bound?
The University Library also regularly informs doctoral candidates in short trainingon issues relating to the publication of dissertations.
If you have any questions about the statutory copies, please contact the colleagues at the University library.
It usually takes 6 weeks to create the certificates, but it can take longer under certain circumstances. You will receive an e-mail notification from us as soon as your documents are ready. Please understand that we cannot answer questions about how long it will take for the certificate to be completed.
What do I have to do to receive my certificate?
How will I receive my certificate?
Can I have my copies of certificates notarized at the Doctoral Office?
I need a certificate of completion before I receive my final degree documents, what do I have to do?