Medizinische Fakultät

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International Case Discussion Summer School (ICDSS) 2024

We are thrilled to announce the International Clinical Case Discussion Summer School (ICDSS) from September 30th to October 13, 2024. This two-week intensive course on medical reasoning, organised in collaboration with TU, offers an unparalleled opportunity to develop your clinical reasoning skills while having fun and connecting with other medical students.

If you've already attended regular CCD, get ready for ICDSS, which takes the experience to the next level. Over the course of two weeks, we'll present two cases per day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The format is the same as regular CCD, but each case lasts around four hours. Don't worry, though - the pace is more easy-going, and you'll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and participate in the discussion. We also have group activities planned for the evenings and weekend.

New this year is the retreat to the benedictine monestery Frauenwörth on the Fraueninsel from the 30th of September where we will stay to the 2nd of October to start the course and get to know each other.

We are excited to welcome three guest professors from top US medical schools - WashU, Cornell, and Nagoya University in Japan - as well as local professors from LMU and TU. International students from the US and Japan will also be participating, making this an excellent opportunity to connect with medical students from around the world. In addition this course is completely free.

To apply, please fill out this ( linked form (including upload of your CV and a small letter of motivation) by August 15, 2024. While we understand that you may not be able to attend every session, we ask that you only apply if you can attend most of the sessions over the two weeks.

We also need presenters, so please let us know if you'd be interested in presenting a case. As a presenter, you'll work together with a moderator to help choose and prepare a case, but you won't have to lead the discussion.

Lastly, as we are hosting visiting students, we would greatly appreciate it if some of you could host them. Please let us know if you'd be able to take anyone. We cannot express how grateful we would be if you could open your homes and help create this valuable experience for all participants.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us at any time. We'll also be hosting an introductory session to discuss the schedule, format, and answer any questions you might have.

We can't wait to see your faces at ICDSS!
