
Green Fact of the Month

16 Jan 2023

The BMC Green Lab Initiative launches an information campaign with monthly facts and tips on sustainability in the lab.

BMC Green Lab Logo

© Green Lab BMC

The ventilation fans whir, the ultra-low temperature freezers buzz, the ice machine steadily spits out chunks of ice, empty pipette boxes pile up in the trash can and samples sweat at 95°C in the heating block. Biomedical research is resource-intensive, no question about it. But where is the most energy actually consumed? Where could water be conserved and what can be recycled?

These are questions the BMC Green Lab Initiative is addressing. Together, they want to contribute to making everyday lab life more sustainable with smaller and larger measures. To bring everyone at the BMC on board for this group effort, the initiative is launching the info campaign “Green Fact of the Month”. Every month, they will present facts and figures on the topics of energy, water and waste. Sometimes surprising, sometimes alarming, and always with a practical conservation tip.

All facts can be found on the initiative's website. And if you want to join the BMC Green Lab Initiative, just send an email to Further information on the topic of sustainability on campus and opportunities to become active are available from the Green Office Campus Martinsried.