Major milestones on your way to become a Dr. med. dent.

Every doctoral project is supervised by a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) with 3 members. First, the goals of the project are recorded in your target agreement. During the course of the project, these goals will be checked in an interim and a final evaluation. If necessary, the goals can be adjusted in a target amendment.

Researchers in the Core Facility Flow Cytometry at the BMC

Major milestones on your way to become a Dr. med. dent.:

  • Together with your TAC, you will create and sign a target agreement
  • Deadline: the target agreement must be uploaded to the campus portal within two months of the registration
  • Please keep the original safe and submit it as part of your logbook when you submit your dissertation.
  • Content: all important points about your doctoral project
    • Milestones (i.e. the most important steps or intermediate goals of the project)
    • Questions and hypotheses
    • Goals
    • training program, etc.
  • If no target agreement is reached within 2 months of the registration or the project is assessed negatively by the chair of the doctoral committee, the doctoral project will be terminated.
  • Meaning: By signing the target agreement, you and your TAC confirm your shared interest in successfully completing your doctorate and the quality of the project. All TAC members must sign the target agreement in the original, i.e. handwritten. The original signatures must be submitted to the doctoral office by the time the work is submitted.
  • Upload the target amendment to your Campus Portal.

  • Changes to the doctoral project must be recorded in writing in a target amendment
  • All TAC members must agree to the changes and sign the target amendment
  • Upload the target amendment to your Campus Portal.
  • Please keep the original safe and submit it as part of your logbook when you submit your dissertation.

  • Regular meetings with your TAC (interim evaluations) are intended to ensure that the project is progressing according to plan.
  • Deadline: 1. Interim evaluation must take place within 12 months of registering the doctoral project. Further interim evaluations can be arranged with the TAC as required.
  • Form: The interim evaluation should take place as a meeting with all members of the supervisory committee.
  • Present the status of the work to the TAC in a presentation.
  • All interim evaluations are recorded and the protocol is signed by all TAC members. Electronic signatures are sufficient.
  • Record potential changes to the original target agreement in a target amendment.
  • Upload the protocol of the interim evaluation to the Campus Portal
  • Keep the signed protocols safe in your logbook and submit them together with your dissertation.

  • Deadline: final evaluation must take place before you submit your dissertation.
  • Form: The final evaluation should take place as a meeting with all members of the supervisory committee.
  • Present the final status of your work to the TAC in a presentation.
  • The end evaluations is recorded and the protocol is signed by all TAC members. Electronic signatures are sufficient.
  • Record potential changes to the original target agreement in a target amendment.
  • Upload the protocol of the interim evaluation to the Campus Portal
  • Keep the signed protocols safe in your logbook and submit them together with your dissertation.

  • Document all the important steps of your doctorate in your logbook.
  • The documents can be filled out by hand or on the screen.
  • Keep the logbook and all documents (supervision agreement, target agreement, protocols of the interim and final evaluations) in a safe place and submit them to the doctoral office together with your dissertation.

You can only submit your dissertation with a complete logbook (supervision agreement, target agreement, interim evaluations, details regarding your full-time research, training program)!

More questions?

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An overview with all related documents for download is available in our Download Center.