The Walther-Straub institute for pharmacology and toxicology

Picture of vials with various chemicals

Our institute is located at Goethestraße 33 and at Nussbaumstraße 26 close to the Munich main station and the LMU university hospitals in the inner city of Munich. Since May 2008 Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Gudermann serves as head of the institute.

The Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology belongs to the theoretical research institutes of the Faculty of Medicine. The main focus of the Institute is the education of students of medicine, dentistry and life sciences.

Our research focuses on interdisciplinary aspects of basic research in pharmacology and toxicology. The research groups are based at both sites. The institute has been named after the German pharmacologist Walther Straub, who directed the institute from 1924 to 1944.