Female Academic Medical Excellence (FAME)

FAME is a network of female university professors at LMU Medical Faculty that fosters female careers and prepares the next generation of female leaders in academic medicine.

About FAME

  • consist of a network of female university professors from clinical and non-clinical disciplines.
  • aims to achieve a proportional representation of women in academic medicine. Currently more than 60% of the faculty students are represented by females, with less than 10% of the chair positions and one quarter of the university professors occupied by females.
  • focuses in fostering female careers and in preparing women for the next generation of female leaders. One suitable tool to achieve this goal is the clinician and medical scientist program (MCSP) offered by the medical faculty promoting scientific achievement and professional skills for male and female scientists.
  • initially started to focus only on women, however, the goal is to expand the network and create an inclusive and diverse faculty by providing activities of equal opportunities, so everyone is reflected and represented.

Video Introduction

14 Jun 2024 | ©Marion Subklewe & Heidi Stöckl

FAME Professors meet quarterly and receive invitations to the following internal events:

  • December 12, 2024
  • September 26, 2024

Female scientists registered on the FAME mailing list will receive invitations to public events.

Prof. Dr. Marion Subklewe

President of FAME
Phone: +49 (0)89 4400 73133
Email: fame@dek.med.uni-muenchen.de

FAME Mailing List

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News & Media

2023-11-15 Siebzehn LMU-Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sind in der aktuellen Publikationsanalyse „Highly Cited Researchers 2023“ des Analytik-Unternehmens Clarivate vertreten und zählen damit zu den erfolgreichsten ihres Fachgebiets. Im Bereich "Clinicial Medicine" zählt Nadia Harbeck zu den meistzitierten Forschenden weltweit. Und auch beim LMU-internen Ranking stehen mit Nadia Harbeck und Annette Peters zwei Frauen an der Spitze. Read more.

2023-09-21 Zeit für X
"Wir wollen etwas verändern" - Interview with Eva Rehfuess

2023-07-13 Spiegel
Eine Klinik voller Machos

2023-07-12 LMU News
Frauen in der Forschung: Stärkende Strukturen schaffen, Hürden abbauen.

2023-06-04 Süddeutsche Zeitung
„Alles ist sehr männerlastig“ – Interview mit Marion Subklewe

2023-05-02 DFG
DFG-Report "Monitoring Equal Opportunity"

2023-04-23 nature
Scientists with multiple NIH grants are overwhelmingly male and white

2023-04-20 LMU Klinikum News
* Pressemeldung mit Video-Interviews anlässlich des F.A.M.E. Kick-off Impulse and Networking Event "Gender Equality in Academia – Status Quo and Insights into Individual Career Paths."
* Artikel im LMU Klinikum Aktuell, Ausgabe 3/2023 zum neuen Expertinnen-Netzwerk am LMU Klinikum zur Förderung von Frauen in der akademischen Medizin

2023-03-09 nature
Celebrate woman in science - today, and every day

2022-09 Leopoldina e.V.
Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Entwicklungen und Empfehlungen

2021-03-20 Die Zeit
Frauen in der Wissenschaft

Articles & Books on Woman in Science

2023 Forschung & Lehre
Mind the Gender Gap! Studie zum professoralen Zitierpartikularismus

2022 Elife
Author-level data confirm the widening gender gap in publishing rates during COVID-19

2022 Humanities and Social Sciences Communication
Scientific authorship by gender: trends before and during a global pandemic

2021 nature human behavior
Gender inequality and self-publication are common among academic editors

2023 Oxford University Press
Not Just for the Boys - Why We Need More Woman in Science