The evaluation process and the defense

With the introduction of the new doctoral regulations in fall 2018, a lot has changed. Here we explain how the evaluation of dissertations and the procedure for the defense differ in the various doctoral regulations so that you can keep track.

Three employees during a meeting

The following criteria must be met to supervise doctoral candidates aiming for:

  • 3 members
  • The 1st TAC member is usually the main supervisor
  • All TAC members must be habilitated, have been accepted for habilitation, hold a professorship, hold their own ERC-grant, be Emmy Noether junior research group leader or have an Max-Eder-fellowship
  • At least two TAC members must be active employees of the LMU medical faculty or the LMU hospital
  • At least one TAC member has to be from a different institution than the 1st TAC member (independence)
  • One TAC member should belong to a clinical institution

  • at least 3 members
  • The 1st TAC member is usually your main supervisor
  • The 1st and 2nd TAC members must be habilitated, have been accepted for habilitation, hold a professorship, hold their own ERC-grant, be Emmy Noether junior research group leader or have an Max-Eder-fellowship
  • The 2nd TAC member must belong to a different institution than your 1st TAC member (independence).
  • The 3rd TAC member must at least be the head of an independent working group, i.e. be a PI.
  • At least two TAC members must belong to the LMU Faculty of Medicine
  • For doctoral students in the individual PhD: The 1st TAC member must be a member of the LMU Medical Faculty, TAC member 2 OR 3 can be from outside the Medical Faculty (e.g. another LMU faculty or another university)

  • Doctorate in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat. or equivalent)
  • Habilitation or professorship or hold your own ERC-grant, be Emmy Noether junior research group leader or have an Max-Eder-fellowship
  • Member of the Medical Faculty of the LMU

The evaluation and defenses for the different degrees

  1. Submission of the dissertation
  2. The supervisor prepares the Votum informativum and sends it directly to the doctoral office or gives it to the doctoral candidate in a sealed envelope so that it can be submitted together with the dissertation.
  3. Depending on the grade of the dissertation, up to three additional evaluations or opinions are obtained in succession.
  4. Grading: summa (1), magna (2), cum laude (3), rite (4), insufficienter (5)
  5. Defense for Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent.: as a group examination,
    • the examination committee is appointed by the doctoral committee
    • the date is set by the doctoral committee
    • the invitations are sent out by the doctoral office.
  6. Defense for Dr. rer. biol. hum.: as an individual examination,
    • the examination committee is appointed by the doctoral committee
    • the date is organized by the doctoral candidate
    • the official invitations are sent out by the doctoral office

  1. Submission of the dissertation
  2. 1st TAC member AND 2nd OR 3rd TAC member are simultaneously commissioned by the Doctoral Committee to review the thesis. At the same time, another independent review is commissioned by the Doctoral Committee.
  3. The doctoral committee can then request a additional review if required.
  4. Grading with: summa (1), magna (2), cum laude (3), rite (4), insufficienter (5)
  5. Defense: individual defense,
    • doctoral candidates organize the date
    • all reviewers of the dissertation are automatically members of the examination committee
    • Invitations are sent out by the doctoral office

  1. Submission of the dissertation
  2. 1st and 2nd TAC member receive the invitation to review the dissertation at the same time Deadline: 8 weeks. evaluation template (DOCX, 174 KB)
  3. Subsequently, two reviewers are simultaneously asked to comment on the dissertation. The doctoral committee selects the reviewers. Deadline: 4 weeks
  4. Grading: as a number, between 1.0 and 4.0 ( increments of 0.3 or 0.7)
  5. Defense: individual defense,
    • the doctoral candidates organize the date
    • all reviewers of the dissertation are automatically members of the examination committee
    • The official invitations are sent out by the MMRS.

  1. Submission of the dissertation (suggestions for reviewers are welcome, preferably members of the Faculty of Medicine with the title Dr. rer. nat. who are authorized to conduct examinations)
  2. The supervisor receives a request to review the dissertation. At the same time, the doctoral committee requests a 2nd evaluation.
  3. Afterwards, the doctoral committee commissions four additional reviews or statements.
    • Deadline: 4 weeks
  4. Grading: summa (1*), magna (1), cum laude (2), rite (3), insufficienter (4 or worse)
  5. Defense: individual defense
    • examination committee consists of the supervisor and three other examiners appointed by the doctoral committee.
    • The doctoral candidates organize the date.
    • The official invitations are sent out by the doctoral office.

An overview of the special features of the new doctoral regulations

The most important procedures (registration of a dissertation, composition of the supervisory committee, agreement on objectives, interim and final evaluation, submission and assessment of a dissertation, defense) are explained briefly and concisely in a video .

The role of supervisors and TAC members in the new doctoral regulations

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Here you will find a brief summary of the doctoral process under the new regulations. We answer the most important questions about the supervisory committee, the agreement on objectives, the interim and final evaluation as well as the assessment of the dissertation and defense.

11min | 2 May 2024 | ©Antje Hentrich

General information on the procedure for individual defenses

  • The defense can be held in German or English, only for Ph.D. medical research defenses must be held in English.
  • Video or audio recordings of the defense are not permitted.
  • Guests may only participate in the defense if all examiners and the doctoral candidate are present in person. Who is admitted as a guest depends on the degree pursued:
    • Dr. med./ Dr. med. dent./ Dr. rer. biol. hum. according to the new study regulations: doctoral candidates may be admitted as listeners in limited numbers if the examinee has no objections.
    • Dr. rer. biol. hum. according to the old study regulations: authorized members of the teaching staff may be present and may ask questions, doctoral candidates who have already passed the preliminary doctoral examination may be admitted as listeners in limited numbers if the examinee has no objections.
    • Dr. rer. nat.: authorized members of the teaching staff may be present and may ask questions; a limited number of doctoral candidates who have already passed the preliminary doctoral examination may be admitted as listeners if the examinee has no objections.
    • Ph.D. medical research: The disputation consists of a public presentation followed by an oral examination by the examination committee.
  • In general, at least one of the examiners and the doctoral candidate should be in the same room.
  • The doctoral candidate arranges the date and time of the examination with the members of the examination committee. It must be agreed in advance who (if anyone) will participate via video conference.
  • The doctoral candidate books a suitable room and informs the doctoral office or the MMRS at least 3-4 weeks before the planned examination of the: date, time, address, room number and who (if anyone) will participate via video conference.
  • The official invitation is issued by the responsible doctoral committee. The doctoral office or the MMRS sends out the invitations to the defense.

  1. The chair of the examination committee (usually the 1st TAC member) welcomes all those present, introduces everyone and leads through the examination and the subsequent academic discussion.
  2. The doctoral candidate gives a scientific lecture with a presentation on the dissertation. The duration of the presentation depends on the degree pursued:
    • Dr. med./ Dr. med. dent./ Dr. rer. biol. hum. (new study regulations): 15min
    • Dr. rer. biol. hum. (old study regulations): max. 20min
    • Dr. rer. nat.: max. 30min
    • Ph.D. medical research: 45min
  3. For examinations where all participants are in the same room, a projector or large screen should be used for the presentation. If one or more examiners participate via video conference, care must be taken to ensure that the presentation is clearly visible to all participants.
  4. All members of the examination committee may ask questions in a scientific debate following the presentation. The questions may relate in particular to the doctoral project, but also to related topics, subject areas, backgrounds and interdisciplinary issues. The duration of the academic debate depends on the degree being pursued:
    • Dr. med./ Dr. med. dent./ Dr. rer. biol. hum. (new study regulations): 15-45min
    • Dr. rer. biol. hum. (old study regulations): up to a maximum total duration of the examination of 60min
    • Dr. rer. nat.: up to a maximum total duration of the examination of 60min
    • Ph.D. medical research: 30-60min
  5. After the examination, the examination committee, excluding the doctoral candidate and any guests, should discuss and evaluate the examination and summarize the course of the examination in a protocol. The examination record must be signed by all examiners. The signatures may be electronic or handwritten, circulated or on individual copies of the minutes.
  6. The chairperson of the examination committee informs the doctoral candidate of the examination result and congratulates them. The examination result is communicated exclusively to the doctoral candidate.
  7. The chairperson of the examination committee sends the signed transcript to the doctoral office or the MMRS immediately after the examination.

  • Guests are unfortunately not permitted for examinations with video conferencing
  • All examiners require an internet-enabled device (computer/tablet/mobile phone) equipped with a camera and microphone.
  • Doctoral candidates need a computer that meets the above requirements and is capable of playing the presentation.
  • All participants need a stable and sufficiently fast internet connection.
  • Please test your equipment in advance and familiarize yourself with the required software before the appointment.
  • We recommend headphones with a microphone for hybrid exams.
  • The members of the examination committee should decide among themselves who will host the video conference. The doctoral candidate must not be the host of the video conference.
  • If you are using Zoom, please select "Video on" for moderators and participants, "Activate waiting room" and deactivate "Require authentication to join". Please send the link with the invitation to the video conference to all members of the examination committee and the doctoral candidate.
  • Start the session a few minutes before the official start of the examination in order to be able to resolve any technical problems that may arise.
  • If you have any further questions, please contact the doctoral office or the MMRS.

Overview of the most important key facts of individual defenses:

*All doctoral projects with the degree objectives Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum. that were registered AFTER Sept. 30, 2018 fall under the “new” doctoral regulations.
Duration of the presentationQuestionstotal durationGuests (only possible if all examiners and the candidate are present in person)Language
Dr. med., Dr. med. dent. and Dr. rer. biol. hum. (new doctoral regulations*)15 min15-45 min30-60 minA limited number of doctoral candidates may be admitted as listeners if the examinee has no objectionsGerman or English
Dr. rer. biol. hum. (old doctoral regulations)max. 20 minca. 60 minAuthorized members of the teaching staff may be present and may ask questions; a limited number of doctoral candidates who have already passed the preliminary examination may be admitted as listeners if the examinee has no objectionsGerman or English
Dr. rer. nat.max. 30 minca. 60 minAuthorized members of the teaching staff may be present and may ask questions; a limited number of doctoral candidates who have already passed the preliminary examination may be admitted as listeners if the examinee has no objectionsGerman or English
Ph.D. Medical Research45 min30-60 min75 – 105 minThe disputation consists of a public presentation followed by an oral examination by the examination committeeEnglish

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