
The habilitation serves to formally determine the scientific and pedagogical suitability to become a professor in a specific subject area at universities (teaching qualification). The determination of the teaching qualification is the prerequisite for the additional granting of the teaching license.

Aim of the habilitation

The aim of the habilitation procedure is to give particularly qualified young academics the opportunity to qualify for appointment to a professorship and to take on independent tasks in research and teaching for this purpose.

The habilitation serves to formally establish the scientific and academic
pedagogical aptitude to become a professor in a specific subject area at universities (teaching qualification). The subject area must be assigned or assignable to the Faculty of Medicine.

Habilitation according to the habilitation regulations of December 5, 2016

Habilitation regulations from 05.12.2016 (PDF, 62 KB)(in German)

For applicants who were accepted as habilitation candidates from 01.10.2016, the habilitation procedure is carried out in accordance with the habilitation regulations of 05.12.2016.

Acceptance procedure

Applications for acceptance as a habilitation candidate (PDF, 120 KB) (in German) in accordance with the LMU Munich habilitation regulations for the Faculty of Medicine dated 05.12.2016 are submitted to the

HAP office
(habilitation procedures, APL appointments, appointment/replacement of professors)
Dean's Office Faculty of Medicine
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Bavariaring 19
80336 Munich

only by prior appointment and only on presentation of all the documents.

For detailed information on the documents to be submitted, please refer to the information sheet on the habilitation procedure in accordance with the habilitation regulations (PDF, 133 KB) (in German) dated 05.12.2016 (last amended on 10.09.2024).


After acceptance as a habilitation candidate, a meeting of the subject mentorate and the habilitation candidate is convened by the managing subject mentor for the purpose of drawing up a target agreement (PDF, 72 KB) (in German). The agreement on objectives signed by the subject mentor and the habilitation candidate is sent to the Dean's Office for countersignature by the Dean.

For detailed information on the procedure, please refer to the information sheet on the habilitation procedure in accordance with the habilitation regulations (PDF, 133 KB)(in German) dated 05.12.2016 (last amended on 10.09.2024).

Medical didactic courses

The Institute for Didactics and Educational Research in Medicine (DAM) has been commissioned by the Medical Faculty of the LMU Munich to carry out the habilitation process:

  • ensure the medical didactic qualification of habilitation candidates by offering suitable courses
  • and to enable thepersonal teaching evaluation of habilitation candidates.

Information on the participation of the DAM in the habilitation procedure

Contact us

HAP Office
(habilitation procedures, APL appointments, professorship appointments)
Dean's Office Faculty of Medicine
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Bavariaring 19
80336 Munich

Personal consultation hours in the HAP Office are only possible by prior appointment.

- Please let us know your request by e-mail, telephone or post.

- You can also post letters in the deanery's letterbox (located on the outside of the fence). The letterbox is a standard letterbox and not a parcel station.

Phone: (089) 4400-58906, generally manned from Monday to Thursday until 12:00 noon!
E-Mail Habilitation APL Professorship Office: HAP-Dekanat@med.uni-muenchen.de