Studentischer Austausch über das Auslandsreferat der Medizinischen Fakultät
Mit über 60 Partnerschaften bietet die Medizinische Fakultät der LMU ihren Studierenden vielfältige Möglichkeiten an, wichtige Erfahrungen im Ausland zu sammeln.
Internationale Programme für Studierende
In a group of 15 students, a case study is presented in a standardized “American” format. The student presenting the case leads the group through the individual components of the case and moderates the discussion.
Leading a case discussion is very different from giving a presentation. In a presentation, you engage your audience mainly by “telling a story”. When you lead a case discussion, you need to interactively ask questions and discuss answers.
The CCD provides the opportunity to learn how to implement the steps of a real clinical decision-making process in a small group setting. It also serves as advanced preparation for an international elective.
Sessions are held every Wednesday of the semester from 19:00-21:00 in a seminar room or lecture hall in Ziemsenstraße.
To register for the CCD, please send an e-mail to
Exchange Course in English organized from International Office in Medicine.
Since the winter semester 2020, the JOCCD format has established itself as a successful online event format for conducting clinical case discussions in an international context. The JOCCD takes place once a year in the winter semester and is organized by Nagoya University.
Further information and dates for the JOCCD 2024 will follow.
The TEI project aims to promote educational exchange and research in the field of medical education, including undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. The TEI group conducts an annual GAME-TEI Student Summer School as an exchange program for students. The focus is on interprofessional education in medicine.
We are pleased to announce the International Clinical Case Discussion Summer School (ICDSS) from September 30 to October 13, 2024. This two-week intensive course on medical reasoning, organized in collaboration with TU, offers a unique opportunity to develop your clinical reasoning skills while having fun and exchanging ideas with other medical students.
If you have already participated in the regular CCD, get ready for the ICDSS, which takes the experience to the next level. Over the course of two weeks, we will present two cases per day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The format is the same as the regular CCD, but each case lasts about four hours. But don't worry - the pace is rather leisurely, and you'll have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and participate in the discussion. We also have group activities planned for the evenings and weekend.
New this year are the retreats at the Benedictine monastery Frauenwörth on the Fraueninsel from September 30 to October 2 to start the course and get to know each other.
We are delighted to welcome three visiting professors from leading medical universities in the USA - WashU, Cornell and Nagoya University in Japan - as well as local professors from LMU and TU. International students from the US and Japan will also be attending, making this an excellent opportunity to connect with medical students from around the world. What's more, this course is completely free of charge.
To apply, please complete the form linked at by August 15, 2024 (including uploading your CV and a short letter of motivation). While we understand that you will not be able to attend all sessions, we ask that you only apply if you can attend most of the sessions in the two weeks.
We also need presenters, so please let us know if you are interested in presenting a case. As a presenter, you will work with a moderator to help select and prepare a case, but you do not have to lead the discussion.
Since we are hosting visiting students, we would greatly appreciate it if some of you could host them. Please let us know if you can host someone. We cannot express how grateful we would be if you would open your homes and help ensure that all participants can have this valuable experience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at any time. We will also hold an introductory session to discuss the schedule and format and answer any questions you may have.
We can't wait to see your faces at ICDSS!
Programme für Doktoranden und Postdocs
The cooperation enables clinical observerships within the residency program for pharmacists at NYU Langone Hospital (PGY Residency Programs). Doctoral students in the Clinical Pharmacy doctoral program have the opportunity to participate as observers for four weeks in the Residency Program of the Department of Pharmacy at NYU Langone Health in New York. The observership provides insights into the interprofessional collaboration of a clinical pharmacist in the therapeutic team on the ward, which has been established for decades. It makes it possible to get to know the work processes and research focuses of the clinical pharmacists there and to compare the healthcare systems and therapeutic approaches. During the stay, the doctoral students work on a scientific question related to their doctoral projects with the background of international comparison. The aim is to bring new ideas to Munich!
Further information on the Residency Program:
PhD4GAME provides an additional level of support to accelerate the activities of GAME research projects between the institutions through joint doctoral training. Each partner university participates in the program and provides two travel grants per year for interested PhD students, including young post docs if applicable.
欢迎来到 慕尼黑大学(LMU) - 中国国家留学基金委(CSC)博士生奖学金项目! 在此页面上,您将找到有关在LMU-CSC项目框架内如何申请慕尼黑大学医学系的博士学习的更多信息
As part of a special program of the Chinese government, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) awards annual scholarships for doctoral students abroad. LMU has maintained a privileged partnership with the CSC since 2005, which enables us to attract particularly qualified Chinese postgraduates to LMU with a government scholarship from China.
The aim of the LMU-CSC program is to recruit the best-qualified doctoral students from China and to sustainably promote research cooperation, especially with partner institutions of the LMU-China Academic Network (LMU-ChAN).
In order to achieve this goal, the Faculty of Medicine supports the selection and placement of qualified Chinese doctoral students in close coordination with the Department of International Affairs and the activities and collaborators of the LMU-ChAN.
The academic coordinator of the Faculty of Medicine for the LMU-CSC program is Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Plesnila.
Since the start of the program in 2005, the faculty has supervised the largest group of the 40 Chinese doctoral students who complete their doctorate at LMU as part of the LMU-CSC program, either full-time or for a specific doctoral phase (so-called sandwich scholarship holders).
Difference between the LMU-CSC program and individual applications to the CSC:
- Professors provide doctoral positions (so-called “Open Positions”) and the LMU International Affairs Office organizes the application and communication of the offer
- Chinese graduates apply centrally to the Department of International Affairs and are only forwarded to potential supervisors after an initial formal examination
- After successful placement, the Department of International Affairs centrally coordinates the selection and application process for the CSC
Advantages of the LMU-CSC program:
- Applying through the LMU-CSC program increases the chance of receiving a government scholarship from the CSC
- Offer of a structured framework program for doctoral students:
- Procurement of housing for the first year of study
- Airport transfer after arrival in Munich
- Four-week orientation program incl. language course and intercultural training
- Centrally organized poster sessions to present the respective research projects
- Intercultural counseling
Current application procedure
Since the winter semester 2021/22, the Faculty of Medicine has primarily offered doctoral positions with project description (so-called open positions) for Chinese applicants. These can include both one to two-year research stays at the LMU Faculty of Medicine as part of a doctorate at the Chinese home university/LMU-ChAN partner university (so-called sandwich scholarships) and up to four-year research stays for a full doctorate at the LMU Faculty of Medicine.
University lecturers at the LMU Faculty of Medicine, in particular scientists with existing collaborations in China, are invited to notify the Faculty of Medicine of so-called open positions in predefined projects by mid-September for the new application phase (October - December).
You can find the corresponding template here (DOCX, 44 KB)
Current Open Positions LMU-CSC
If you have any questions and/or require further information, please contact the Dean's Office. Contact: