Blaskovich B, Bullón-Tarrasó E, Pöhlchen D, Manafis A, Neumayer H, Besedovsky
L, Brückl T; BeCOME Working Group; Simor P, Binder FP, Spoormaker VI. The
utility of wearable headband electroencephalography and pulse
photoplethysmography to assess cortical and physiological arousal in individuals
with stress-related mental disorders. J Sleep Res. 2024 Aug;33(4):e14123. doi:
10.1111/jsr.14123. Epub 2023 Dec 15. PMID: 38099396.
Lutz ND, Martínez-Albert E, Friedrich H, Born J, Besedovsky L. Sleep shapes the associative structure underlying pattern completion in multielement event memory. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Feb 27;121(9):e2314423121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2314423121. Epub 2024 Feb 20. PMID: 38377208. Read More
Martínez-Albert E, Lutz ND, Hübener R, Dimitrov S, Lange T, Born J, Besedovsky L. (2024). Sleep promotes T-cell migration towards CCL19 via growth hormone and prolactin signaling in humans. Brain Behav Immun, 118, 69-77.
Blaskovich B, Bullón-Tarrasó E, Pöhlchen D, Manafis A, Neumayer H, Besedovsky L, Brückl T; BeCOME Working Group; Simor P, Binder FP, Spoormaker VI.
The utility of wearable headband electroencephalography and pulse photoplethysmography to assess cortical and physiological arousal in individuals with stress-related mental disorders. J Sleep Res. 2023 Dec 15:e14123. doi:10.1111/jsr.14123. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38099396. Pubmed
Wilantri S, Grasshoff H, Lange T, Gaber T, Besedovsky L, Buttgereit F.
Detecting and exploiting the circadian clock in rheumatoid arthritis. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2023 Oct;239(2):e14028. doi: 10.1111/apha.14028. Epub 2023 Aug 23. PMID: 37609862. Pubmed
Haack M, Engert LC, Besedovsky L, Goldstein MR, Devine JK, Dang R, Olia K, Molina V, Bertisch SM, Sethna N, Simpson N. Alterations of pain pathways by experimental sleep disturbances in humans: central pain-inhibitory, cyclooxygenase, and endocannabinoid pathways. Sleep. 2023 Jun 13;46(6):zsad061. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad061. PMID: 36881901; PMCID: PMC10262178. Pubmed
Miao, X., Müller, C., Lutz, N. D., Yang, Q., Waszak, F., Born, J., & Rauss, K. (2023). Sleep consolidates stimulus–response learning. Learning & Memory, 30(9), 175–184. Read more
Lange T, Luebber F, Grasshoff H, Besedovsky L. The contribution of sleep to the neuroendocrine regulation of rhythms in human leukocyte traffic. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Dang R, Engert LC, Goldstein MR, Devine JK, Bertisch SM, Mullington JM, Simpson N, Haack M. Differential effects of an experimental model of prolonged sleep disturbance on inflammation in healthy females and males. PNAS Nexus. 2022 Mar;1(1):pgac004. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac004. Epub 2022 Mar 10. Erratum in: PNAS Nexus. 2024 Jan 30;3(1):pgad455. PMID: 36380854; PMCID:
PMC9648610. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Cordi M, Wißlicen L, Martínez-Albert E, Born J, Rasch B. Hypnotic enhancement of slow-wave sleep increases sleep-associated hormone secretion and reduces sympathetic predominance in healthy humans. Commun Biol. 2022 Jul 26;5(1):747. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03643-y. PMID: 35882899; PMCID:PMC9325885. Pubmed
Lange T, Luebber F, Grasshoff H, Besedovsky L. The contribution of sleep to the neuroendocrine regulation of rhythms in human leukocyte traffic. Semin Immunopathol. 2022 Mar;44(2):239-254. doi: 10.1007/s00281-021-00904-6. Epub 2022 Jan 18. PMID: 35041075; PMCID: PMC8901522. Pubmed
Schöllhorn A, Schuhmacher J, Besedovsky L, Fendel R, Jensen ATR, Stevanović
S, Lange T, Rammensee HG, Born J, Gouttefangeas C, Dimitrov S. Integrin
Activation Enables Sensitive Detection of Functional CD4<sup>+</sup> and
CD8<sup>+</sup> T Cells: Application to Characterize SARS-CoV-2 Immunity. Front
Immunol. 2021 Mar 29;12:626308. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.626308. PMID: 33854501;
PMCID: PMC8040333. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Benischke M, Fischer J, Yazdi AS, Born J. Human sleep
consolidates allergic responses conditioned to the environmental context of an
allergen exposure. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 May 19;117(20):10983-10988.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1920564117. Epub 2020 May 4. PMID: 32366650; PMCID:
PMC7245114. PubMed
Besedovsky L, Lange T, Haack M. The Sleep-Immune Crosstalk in Health and
Disease. Physiol Rev. 2019 Jul 1;99(3):1325-1380. doi:
10.1152/physrev.00010.2018. PMID: 30920354; PMCID: PMC6689741. PubMed
Dimitrov S, Lange T, Gouttefangeas C, Jensen ATR, Szczepanski M, Lehnnolz J,
Soekadar S, Rammensee HG, Born J, Besedovsky L. Gα<sub>s</sub>-coupled receptor
signaling and sleep regulate integrin activation of human antigen-specific T
cells. J Exp Med. 2019 Mar 4;216(3):517-526. doi: 10.1084/jem.20181169. Epub
2019 Feb 12. PMID: 30755455; PMCID: PMC6400544.. PubMed.
Dimitrov S, Gouttefangeas C, Besedovsky L, Jensen ATR, Chandran PA, Rusch E,
Businger R, Schindler M, Lange T, Born J, Rammensee HG. Activated integrins
identify functional antigen-specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells within minutes
after antigen stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Jun
12;115(24):E5536-E5545. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1720714115. Epub 2018 May 29. PMID:
29844168; PMCID: PMC6004473. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Ngo HV, Dimitrov S, Gassenmaier C, Lehmann R, Born J. Auditory closed-loop stimulation of EEG slow oscillations strengthens sleep and signs of its immune-supportive function. Nat Commun. 2017 Dec 7;8(1):1984. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02170-3. PMID: 29215045; PMCID: PMC5719447. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Ngo HV, Dimitrov S, Gassenmaier C, Lehmann R, Born J. Auditory
closed-loop stimulation of EEG slow oscillations strengthens sleep and signs of
its immune-supportive function. Nat Commun. 2017 Dec 7;8(1):1984. doi:
10.1038/s41467-017-02170-3. PMID: 29215045; PMCID: PMC5719447. PubMed
Besedovsky L, Schmidt EM, Linz B, Diekelmann S, Lange T, Born J. Signs of enhanced sleep and sleep-associated memory processing following the anti-inflammatory antibiotic minocycline in men. J Psychopharmacol. 2017 Feb;31(2):204-210. doi: 10.1177/0269881116658991. Epub 2016 Jul 19. PMID:27436232. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Dimitrov S, Born J, Lange T. Nocturnal sleep uniformly reduces
numbers of different T-cell subsets in the blood of healthy men. Am J Physiol
Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2016 Oct 1;311(4):R637-R642. doi:
10.1152/ajpregu.00149.2016. Epub 2016 Jul 27. PMID: 27465732. PubMed
Besedovsky L, Born J. Sleep, Don't Sneeze: Longer Sleep Reduces the Risk of
Catching a Cold. Sleep. 2015 Sep 1;38(9):1341-2. doi: 10.5665/sleep.4958. PMID:
26285007; PMCID: PMC4531398. PubMed
Rimmele U, Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Emotional memory can be
persistently weakened by suppressing cortisol during retrieval. Neurobiol Learn
Mem. 2015 Mar;119:102-7. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2015.01.010. Epub 2015 Feb 11. PMID:
25680817. Pubmed
Dimitrov S, Besedovsky L, Born J, Lange T. Differential acute effects of sleep on spontaneous and stimulated production of tumor necrosis factor in men.
Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jul;47:201-10. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2014.11.017. Epub 2014 Dec 10. PMID: 25500219. Pubmed
Schmidt EM, Linz B, Diekelmann S, Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Effects of
an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist on human sleep, sleep-associated memory
consolidation, and blood monocytes. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jul;47:178-85. doi:
10.1016/j.bbi.2014.11.012. Epub 2014 Dec 20. PMID: 25535859.
Dimitrov S, Besedovsky L, Born J, Lange T. Differential acute effects of
sleep on spontaneous and stimulated production of tumor necrosis factor in men.
Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jul;47:201-10. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2014.11.017. Epub 2014
Dec 10. PMID: 25500219. PubMed
Besedovsky L, Linz B, Dimitrov S, Groch S, Born J, Lange T. Cortisol
increases CXCR4 expression but does not affect CD62L and CCR7 levels on specific
T cell subsets in humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jun
1;306(11):E1322-9. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00678.2013. Epub 2014 Apr 22. PMID:
Feld GB, Besedovsky L, Kaida K, Münte TF, Born J. Dopamine D2-like receptor
activation wipes out preferential consolidation of high over low reward memories
during human sleep. J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 Oct;26(10):2310-20. doi:
10.1162/jocn_a_00629. Epub 2014 Mar 26. PMID: 24669794. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Linz B, Born J, Lange T. Mineralocorticoid receptor signaling
reduces numbers of circulating human naïve T cells and increases their CD62L,
CCR7, and CXCR4 expression. Eur J Immunol. 2014 Jun;44(6):1759-69. doi:
10.1002/eji.201344265. Epub 2014 Apr 10. PMID: 24595810; PMCID: PMC4298762. Pubmed
Schmidt EM, Linz B, Diekelmann S, Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Effects of an interleukin-1 receptor antagonist on human sleep, sleep-associated memory consolidation, and blood monocytes. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jul;47:178-85. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2014.11.012. Epub 2014 Dec 20. PMID: 25535859. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Born J, Lange T. Endogenous glucocorticoid receptor signaling
drives rhythmic changes in human T-cell subset numbers and the expression of the
chemokine receptor CXCR4. FASEB J. 2014 Jan;28(1):67-75. doi:
10.1096/fj.13-237958. Epub 2013 Sep 19. PMID: 24051033. PubMed
Rimmele U, Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Blocking mineralocorticoid receptors impairs, blocking glucocorticoid receptors enhances memory retrieval in humans. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013 Apr;38(5):884-94. doi:10.1038/npp.2012.254. Epub 2012 Dec 6. PMID: 23303058; PMCID: PMC3671995. Pubmed
Besedovsky L, Born J, Lange T. Blockade of mineralocorticoid receptors
enhances naïve T-helper cell counts during early sleep in humans. Brain Behav
Immun. 2012 Oct;26(7):1116-21. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2012.07.016. Epub 2012 Aug 3.
PMID: 22884414. PubMed
Besedovsky L, Lange T, Born J. Sleep and immune function. Pflugers Arch. 2012 Jan;463(1):121-37. doi: 10.1007/s00424-011-1044-0. Epub 2011 Nov 10. PMID:22071480; PMCID: PMC3256323. Pubmed