Prof. Dr. med.habil Tanja Bange, PhD

Principal investigator - N-terminal processing and degradation

Office address:

Großhaderner Strasse 9

82152 Planegg-Martinsried

List of scientific publications - Tanja Bange (Woelk)

Franziska Mueller1, Alexandra Friese1, Claudio Pathe1*, Richard Cardoso da Silva1,
Kenny Bravo Rodriguez1, Andrea Musacchio1,2†, Tanja Bange1,3†, Overlap of NatA and IAP substrates implicates N-terminal acetylation in protein stabilization ,

Brüning F., Noya S.B., Bange T., Koutsouli S., Rudolph J.D., Tyagarajan S.K., Cox J., Mann M., Brown S.A.*, Robles M.S.*. (2019) Sleep-wake cycles drive daily dynamics of synaptic phosphorylation. Science. Oct 11;366(6462). doi: 10.1126/science.aav3617. *co-corresponding author

Perlay-Gimeno M., Bange T., Hennig S., Grossmann T.N. In situ Cyclization of Native Proteins:
Structure-Based Desing of a Bicyclic Enzyme. (2018) Angew Chem Int Ed Egnl, May 30

Pospiech N., Cibis H., Dietrich L., Mueller F., Bange T., Henning S. Identification of novel PANDAR protein interaction partners involved in splicing regulation. (2018) Scientific Reports, Feb 12:8(1):2798

Overlack K., Bange T., Weissmann F., Faesen A., Maffini S., Primorac I., Mueller F., Peters JM., Musacchio A. BubR1 promotes Bub3-dependent APC/C inhibition during spindle assembly checkpoint signalling. (2017) Current Biol, Oct 9;27(19):2915-2927

Harpprecht L., Baldi S., Schauer T., Schmidt A., Bange T., Robles M.S., Kremmer E., Imhof A., Becker P.B. (2019) A Drosophila cell-free system that senses DNA breaks and triggers phosphorylation signalling. Nucleic Acids Res, Aug 22; 47(14): 7444–7459.

Dietrich L., Rathmer B., Kenneth E., Bange T., Heinrichs S., Dale TC, Schade D. Grossmann TN. Cell Permeable Stapled Peptide Inhibitor of Wnt Signaling that Targets -Catenin Protein-Protein Interactions. (2017) Cell Chem Biol, Aug 17:24(8):958-968

Mosalaganti S., Keller J., Altenfeld A., Winzker M., Rombaut P., Saur M., Petrovic A., Wehenkel AM., Wohlgemuth S., Müller F., Maffini S., Bange T., Herzog F., Waldmann H., Raunser S., Musacchio A. Structure of the RZZ complex and molecular basis of its interaction with Spindly. (2017) J Cell Biol, Apr 3;216(4):961-981

Faesen AC., Thanasoula M., Maffini S., Breit C., Müller F., van Gerwen S., Bange T., Musacchio A. Basis of catalytic assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex. (2017) Nature, Feb 23:542(7642):498-502

Huis In’t Veld PJ., Jeganathan S., Petrovic A., Singh P., John J., Krenn V., Weissmann F., Bange T., Musacchio A. Molecular basis of outer kinetochore assembly on CENP-T. (2016) Elife, Dec 24:5

Breit C., Bange T., Petrovic A., Weir JR., Müller F., Vogt D., Musacchio A. Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors in the Regulation of the Mitotic Checkpoint Kinase Bub1. (2015) PLoS One, Dec 10; 10(12):e0144673

Lee CU., Hahne G., Hanske J., Bange T., Bier D., Rademacher C., Hennig S., Grossmann TN. Redox Modulation of PTEN Phosphatase Activity by Hydrogen Peroxide and Bisperoxidovanadium Complexes. (2015) Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, Nov 9;54(46):13796-800

Argenzio E.*, Bange T.*, Oldrini B.*, Bianchi F., Peesari R., Mari S., Di Fiore PP., Mann M., Polo S. Proteomic Snapshopt of the EGF-induced ubiquitin network. (2011) Mol Syst Biol., Jan 18;7:462
*Equal contribution

Woelk T., Sigismund S., Penengo L., Polo S. Ubiquitination Code: a signalling problem. (2007) Cell Div., Mar 13;2:11

Woelk T., Oldrini B., Maspero E., Confalonieri S., Cavallaro E., Di Fiore PP., Polo S. Molecular mechanisms of coupled monoubiquitination. (2006) Nat. Cell Biol., Nov 8(11), 1246-1254

Sigismund S., Woelk T., Puri C., Maspero E., Tacchetti C., Transidico P., Di Fiore PP., Polo S. Clathrin-independent endocytosis of ubiquitinated cargos. (2005) PNAS, Feb 102(8), 2760-5

Solera D., Arenghi FL., Woelk T., Galli E., Barbieri P. TouR-mediated effector-independent growth phase-dependent activation of the sigma54 Ptou promoter of Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1. (2004) J Bacteriol., Nov 186(21), 7353-63