DFG Clusters of Excellence, SFB and other DFG projects

The Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the LMU Klinikum are the spokespersons for one Cluster of Excellence (EXC), five DFG Collaborative Research Centres (SFB).

Clusters of Excellence with spokespersonship

The Clusters of Excellence (EXC) funding line aims to promote internationally competitive research fields in universities and university alliances on a project basis, including across scientific disciplines. Clusters of Excellence can be funded for seven years per funding period as part of the Excellence Strategy. The LMU Faculty of Medicine is currently the spokesperson for a Cluster of Excellence together with the Technical University of Munich.

EXC 2145
SyNergy - Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology
LMU Speaker
Prof. Dr. Christian Haass
Chair of Metabolic Biochemistry, Biomedical Centre (BMC)
since 2019
Exzellenzcluster Synergy
SyNergy defines systems neurology as a new research approach in which systems biology and systems neuroscience are combined with clinical neurology in order to gain an integrative understanding of how neurological diseases arise from the interaction of degenerative, immunological and vascular mechanisms. After 5 years of funding, this continuation application is now a joint initiative of the two Munich Universities of Excellence, LMU and TUM.- SyNergy has initiated cross-disease tandem projects, the success of which is reflected in >230 publications in journals with an impact factor >10 and an 80% increase in joint publications by cluster scientists from LMU and TUM. SyNergy has appointed up-and-coming top researchers to fill gaps in the research spectrum and strengthen the team of cluster scientists (including 13 with ERC funding) with additional expertise in systems neuroscience. SyNergy has been instrumental in establishing a Centre for Stroke and Dementia Research (CSD), which integrates research and clinical work and hosts 10 SyNergy working groups from both universities; - SyNergy has created a programme for research physicians, two of whose graduates have been awarded a DFG Emmy Noether group and are now SyNergy PIs.- SyNergy has established new programmes to train young scientists from high school students to postdoctoral researchers and promoted equal opportunities through career counselling and support for families and parents.- Complement the disease-overlapping pathomechanistic tandem projects with new translational tandem projects to investigate clinical hypotheses from SyNergy research for their relevance to patients and their potential application.- Create technology platforms to enable broad access to key technologies and accelerate the transfer of new results from the laboratory to the patient.- Establish three pathomechanistic and two translational professorships to incorporate innovative concepts and permanently anchor translational research structurally. Establish three pathomechanistic and two translational professorships in order to integrate innovative concepts and permanently anchor translational research structurally.- Complement the CSD with a second research centre for neuroinflammation and neuroscience with a similar cross-border research philosophy.- Continue to support research physicians and inspire future clinical researchers through research-oriented teaching in preclinical and master's programmes.- Further expand programmes to promote young scientists and equal opportunities, e.g. by supporting early independence and international exchange programmes such as the new SyNergy-Washington University partnership.


Podcast episode ‘Alzheimer's - development, findings, research questions of the Cluster of Excellence podcast Exzellent erklärt - Spitzenforschung für alle (published on 4 October 2021)

The podcast on dementia research: clearly explained podcast series of the SyNergy Cluster of Excellence (10 episodes, published at intervals of approx. 3 weeks from September 2023)

Collaborative Research Centres with spokespersons

Collaborative Research Centres (SFB) are university research institutions funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for up to twelve years.

The following list contains all DFG Collaborative Research Centres and Transregios with spokespersons or co-spokespersons from the LMU Faculty of Medicine. In addition, the Faculty of Medicine is involved in numerous SFB sub-projects and as a location in Transregios without a spokesperson function.

TTR 205
The adrenal gland - central relay in health and disease
Prof. Dr. Martin Reincke
Department of Medicine IV
since 2017
Projectdescription GEPRIS
The adrenal gland is the central relay of the human body, coordinating responses to acute and chronic stress factors and integrating endocrine, neuronal, vascular, metabolic and immunological signals. Untreated adrenal insufficiency is fatal, and adrenal hyperfunction caused by adrenal tumours can have life-threatening consequences. Any dysregulation of adrenal function can cause or exacerbate acute and chronic disorders, which is associated with significant morbidity and socioeconomic damage. In our Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (CRC/TRR) 205, we have not only brought together leading adrenal experts, but also achieved an exceptionally high level of interdisciplinary interaction. This collaborative spirit and the co-operation with leading international experts from other research areas enabled us to make significant progress in many areas of adrenal research during the first funding period. These sustained interactions led to the inclusion of two new projects in the second funding period. Three renowned locations with 18 projects from two research areas and four service projects are participating in this SFB/TRR. Research area A investigates the underlying pathophysiology of adrenal diseases and the role of the adrenal glands as an important relay in systemic disorders, thereby forming the basis for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Research Area B focuses on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and evaluation of promising new therapies for the most clinically relevant adrenal tumours - phaeochromocytomas/paragangliomas, neuroblastomas, adrenocortical carcinomas, aldosterone- and cortisol-producing adenomas and tumours of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis with their downstream signalling pathways controlling adrenal function. Each project pursues a translational strategy from the laboratory bench to the bedside or vice versa. To best support this, we have established an unparalleled platform of state-of-the-art modelling systems and extensive patient data and materials. Our comprehensive tissue and plasma sample collections and associated clinical cohorts are among the largest of their kind in the world and are essential to make the necessary progress in the field of adrenal diseases.
SFB 1123
Atherosclerosis - mechanisms and networks of new therapeutic target structures
Prof. Dr. Christian Weber
Institute of Cardiovascular Prevention
since 2014
SFB 1123 Atherosclerosis
Arterial vascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and sleep apoplexy, remain the leading cause of death worldwide and impose enormous socioeconomic costs. This dilemma could be alleviated by improved vascular prevention and therapy, which requires a deeper mechanistic understanding of atherosclerosis as an underlying pathology to enable more efficient identification of candidates for potential drug development. In addition to the discovery of PCSK9 inhibitors for better control of hyperlipidaemia, the positive outcome of the CANTOS study has provided clear evidence for the importance of inflammatory signalling pathways in the pathogenesis and therapy of atherosclerosis. Therefore, the mission of the CRC1123 continues to develop a detailed understanding of molecular networks in atherogenesis, atheroprogression and atherothrombosis and thus to advance the identification and validation of relevant therapeutic targets. The identification of therapeutic targets within such networks requires the unbiased testing and selection of candidates on a solid pathogenetic basis and the analysis of their interactions in model systems. In SFB1123 we plan to continue with the systematic elaboration and linking of mechanisms of diverse molecular families (cytokines, signalling proteins, nucleic acids and lipid mediators). State-of-the-art technologies, such as genome editing and conditional mouse models for gene deletion and cell labelling, proteomics, single cell sequencing, spatial transcriptome analysis and bioinformatics, as well as the latest imaging methods (optoacoustics, nanoscopy, MS imaging) will be implemented to track cell movement, function, subcellular and molecular events in plaques or adventitia, to set new standards for the SFB1123 and to close methodological gaps. Based on excellent infrastructure, cooperation culture and recruitment of young scientists, the CRC1123 will further decipher molecular and cellular determinants of atherosclerosis and uncover new links between genetic, inflammatory and metabolic factors. By clarifying interactions and combined effects, the CRC1123 will identify valuable target structures and therapy candidates with fewer side effects on the immune system and metabolism.

TRR 152
Control of body homeostasis through TRP channel modules
Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology
since 2014
TRR 152 - Control of body homeostasis through TRP channel modules
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a large and diverse protein family with central roles as versatile cellular sensors and effectors. The fundamental importance of TRP channels for sensory processes was clearly emphasised by the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. TRP proteins control a broad spectrum of homeostatic physiological functions, illustrated by more than 20 human hereditary diseases caused by mutations in 14 Trp genes. Most TRP channel disorders affect development, metabolism and other homeostatic body functions. There is increasing evidence of a link between TRP channels and other human diseases beyond TRP ‘channelopathies’. TRP proteins have therefore been identified as promising therapeutic target structures. Based on the conceptual progress made so far and a unique collection of experimental TRP channel tools consisting of mouse models, specific antibodies, small molecules and advanced experimental protocols, the CRC pursues the overarching goal of validating TRP channels as novel therapeutic targets. The consortium faces the following three challenges: (1) There is an absolute need to expand our understanding of the (patho)physiological role of TRP channels and to elucidate their exact contribution to cellular, tissue and body homeostasis and dysfunction. (2) By applying novel molecular approaches such as single-molecule cryo-electron microscopy together with advanced AI-based in silico methods, in-depth biophysical analyses and medicinal chemistry, we will optimise specific (photo-activatable) chemical probes to minimise potential off-target and off-tissue effects of drug-like substances. (3) To promote early clinical translation, reliable and robust preclinical disease models will be developed, including genetically engineered mouse models, human tissue-derived in vitro organoids and genetically engineered artificial human tissues. Three central questions will be addressed:(1)How are TRP channel modules assembled in specific tissues/cells and how do the different components of TRP channel modules interact functionally in defined cellular compartments?(2)What is the physiological role of TRP channels in vivo and what is the exact mechanism of their activation and regulation? (3)What is the exact pathomechanism by which dysfunctional TRP proteins cause human diseases and what translational perspectives can be derived?(4)The fundamental findings should enable new specific and customised therapeutic options for patients whose diseases are caused by (dysfunctional) TRP proteins.

Source: GEPRIS
SFB 1064
Chromatin dynamics
Prof. Dr. Peter Becker
Chair of Molecular Biology, Biomedical Centre (BMC)
since 2013
SFB 1064 Chromatin dynamik
The CRC deals with dynamic changes in chromatin organisation. We aim to understand the principles and mechanisms underlying the diversity of chromatin structures and their plasticity to respond flexibly to environmental, metabolic and ontogenetic demands. A comprehensive understanding of chromatin organisation and associated functions is made possible by identification and biochemical characterisation of metabolites and enzymes, multi-omics analyses and imaging of cells in diverse physiological states and during ontogenesis of model organisms. We investigate chromatin-mediated regulation of genomes and single gene loci by mapping patterns of histone modifications and variants, nucleosome remodelling, protein composition and degree of compaction and by observing dynamic changes due to physiological or experimentally induced changes in cell status, nutrient availability or DNA damage. We are interested in how the interplay of the important genome functions transcription, replication and the maintenance of genome integrity lead to structural adaptations of chromatin. In the third funding period of the CRC, two transversal topics provide new perspectives and research approaches. One of these topics can be summarised as ‘time courses’ in chromatin dynamics. Here we investigate reversible changes (‘turnover’), irreversible emergences of stable states (‘trajectories’) and cyclic phenomena. A second transversal topic concerns various interfaces between cell metabolism and local chromatin organisation. The 23 project leaders of the CRC work at four Munich research institutions: the Ludwig Maximilian University, the Helmholtz Centre, the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and the Technical University. The research is flanked by two central projects on proteomics and bioinformatics. All doctoral students are members of an ‘Integrated Research Training Group’.

SFB 1054
Control and plasticity of cell differentiation processes in the immune system
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brocker
Institute of Immunology
since 2013
SFB 1054 - Control and plasticity of cell differentiation processes in the immune system
Cells of the immune system and T cells in particular have enormous plasticity, which manifests itself, for example, in the existence of different subpopulations, some of which have very characteristic effector functions, cytokine profiles and tissue specificities. On the one hand, the differentiation of the αβ T cell compartment into different ‘lineages’ (e.g. helper cells, killer cells, regulatory T cells, iNKT cells) is determined by homeostatic development programmes. On the other hand, pathogens, chronic infections, environmental changes, neoplasia and many other factors determine further adaptive differentiation programmes that allow mature T cells to acquire additional functional properties. However, since the discovery of the Th1/Th2 paradigm, it has become increasingly clear that T cells from these apparently distinct subpopulations represent a continuum of flexible states with varying degrees of overlap. New technologies such as phenotyping and transcriptional and epigenetic profiling of complex cell populations at the single cell level have greatly contributed to this. Furthermore, it is now clear that the effector phase in the life of a T cell does not necessarily represent a terminal differentiation step. On the contrary, effector T cells often possess a considerable degree of plasticity and can still acquire new functions in order to adapt to new situations and challenges; this also applies to cells of the innate immune system and NK cells. Against this background, the CRC 1054 aims to investigate the determinants of this remarkable plasticity of cell differentiation processes in the immune system, both with regard to the developmental decisions of progenitor cells under homeostatic conditions and with regard to the flexibility and often reversible adaptation of ‘mature’ cells to immunological challenges. Elucidating the signals that control immune cell fate decisions and how these signals are read and interpreted provides fundamental insights into the biology of the immune system. At the same time, our approach is highly relevant for translational medicine, as it opens up new perspectives for targeted immunotherapies.

TRR 127
Biology of xenogeneic cell and organ transplantation - from the laboratory to the clinic
Prof. Dr. Bruno Reichart, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Wolf
Department of Cardiac Surgery, Chair of Molecular Animal Breeding and Biotechnology
since 2012
TRR 127 - Biology of xenogeneic cell and organ transplantation - from bench to bedside
TRR 127 investigates the biology of xenogeneic cell, tissue and organ transplantation in order to develop concepts for the clinical xenotransplantation of porcine islet cells, heart valves and hearts. The consortium is structured in three project groups A, B and C, which are supported by central projects in ethical, legal and socio-political questions (Z1), in questions of microbiological/virological safety (Z2) and by the provision of genetically multi-modified pigs (Z3) and non-human primates (NHPs; Z4).project group A develops concepts to attenuate immune reactions against the xenotransplant. This concerns the downregulation of SLA in the xenograft, the selection of suitable donor-recipient constellations by SLA-HLA matching (A1) and local immunomodulation using adeno-associated viral vectors, micro-RNAs or small-hairpin RNAs (A2). Mechanisms of the instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction after intraportal islet cell transplantation are also being investigated (A3, A5). In addition, protocols for tolerance induction with xenoreactive regulatory T cells are being developed (A4) and Project Group B aims to develop and characterise genetically multi-modified donor pigs. Transgenic pigs with expression vectors for hCD46, hCD55, hCD59, hHO1 and hA20 (5xtg) will be combined with pigs deficient for SLA class I, GGTA1, CMAH and B4GALNT2 (4xko) to provide donors for xenogeneic hearts and heart valves (B1&2). Pigs deficient for GGTA1 and CCL2 and expressing LEA29Y, hPD-L1 and hCD47 (2xko, 3xtg) serve as optimised donors for xenogeneic islets. Single-cell RNA sequencing provides the basis for improving the maturation of neonatal porcine islets (NPIs; B3). Project group C conducts preclinical experiments and develops prerequisites for the application for clinical studies. For xenogeneic islet cell transplantation, molecular studies are being carried out on the ideal isolation time and maturation stage of NPIs (C1). Islets from genetically multi-modified donor pigs are transplanted unencapsulated intraportal into diabetic NPIs (C3). A clinical trial for macroencapsulated porcine islets has been applied for. This concept will be further optimised using state-of-the-art bio-polymer technology (C4). Heart valves from GGTA1/CMAH/B4GALNT2-3xko pigs are being improved using innovative decellularisation and deglycosylation techniques (C7). The world's first successful series of orthotopic transplantations of GGTA1-ko, hCD46/hTBM-2xtg pig hearts into baboons required special perfusion of the donor hearts, appropriate immunosuppression and medication to prevent excessive growth of the xenogeneic hearts. In the future, hearts from 4xko, 5xtg pigs with improved immunosuppressive protocols will also be tested (C8).


Research groups with spokespersons

As an association of outstanding scientists, the research groups funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) enable researchers to work on a joint research topic in a flexible network. The format is particularly suitable for opening up new subject areas and research directions.

Below you will find research groups in which the spokespersons are scientists at the LMU Faculty of Medicine.

FOR 2879
ImmunoStroke - from immune cells to stroke recovery
Prof. Dr. Arthur Liesz
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD)
since 2019
Description of the project GEPRIS
Ischemic stroke is the primary cause of long-term disability and the third leading cause of death in industrialized countries. Current treatments for stroke are limited, and preclinical experimental findings often fail in clinical trials. Therefore, new avenues of basic research with high translation potential are desperately needed in order to develop effective therapeutic strategies. Although the development of local inflammatory processes in the ischemic brain is a known phenomenon, precisely how these immune processes are linked to the secondary expansion of the infarct area and the role of the immune system in post-stroke regeneration remain poorly understood. Interestingly, while cerebral ischemia is traditionally not considered a classic neuroinflammatory disorder, stroke induces a plethora of immune responses similar to the responses that occur in autoimmune brain diseases. Moreover, the stroke-related acute brain injury has a robust effect on the peripheral immune system, inducing a multiphasic immune response. The reciprocal interaction between immunological responses and brain injury is poorly understood, particularly with respect to the mechanisms underlying recovery following stroke. This research unit ImmunoStroke which receives DFG-funding since 2019 is focusing on studying the role of immunity in repair mechanisms and long-term recovery following stroke. The projects described for the renewal of this consortium in its second funding period are designed to i) address how immunity modulates the recovery process following stroke; ii) clarify the role of neuroinflammation in stroke patients; and iii) and identify novel markers of post-stroke neuroinflammation. These goals will be achieved using cutting-edge technologies and new treatment paradigms in order to understand and modulate the immune responses that occur following experimental stroke. Importantly, the preclinical experiments will be highly standardized, the key findings will be validated in multicenter preclinical RCTs, and the experiments will be supported by analyses performed using stroke patients.

FOR 5621
Development of a one-time gene therapy for age-related macular degeneration targeting CD146
Prof. Dr. Stylianos Michalakis
Department of Ophthalmology
since 2024
Description of the project - GEPRIS
Neovascular age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD) is a multifactorial disease leading to loss of central vision. It is the leading cause for blindness in the elderly western population and poses a significant clinical and economic burden. Implementation of anti-VEGF drugs like aflibercept, bevacizumab, ranibizumab and more recently brolucizumab in clinical practice has dramatically improved the prognosis of wet AMD. However, currently there is no cure for wet AMD and available treatments cannot prevent the development of atrophy and scar formation. Thus, it is mandatory to find new treatment options to address the unmet medical need in this devastating sight threatening disease. Here, we propose the development of a one-time gene therapy treatment of AMD based on a novel therapeutic target (CD146; gene name: MCAM). Different from previous approaches that directly inhibit the growth factor VEGFA, our approach targets both the proangiogenic and proinflammatory cell adhesion molecule CD146 to inhibit multiple signaling pathways crucially involved in the pathogenesis of AMD-related vision loss. Own preliminary results suggest that inhibition of CD146 reduces the formation of leaky choroidal blood vessels and the extent of lesion formation in the laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV) mouse model of wet AMD. Previously, we generated variants of recombinant antibody fragments (Fabs) directed against mouse and human CD146 and confirmed high affinity binding to the extracellular domain of human CD146. In this project, we will further characterize the recombinant anti-CD146 Fabs and test dem for efficacy in relevant in vitro models and in the CNV mouse model of wet AMD. The most promising variants will then be produced as AAV-vectorized versions and tested again for in vitro and in vivo efficacy. In an alternative approach, we will generate and test AAV vectors expressing CRISPR-Cas9 and sgRNAs targeting the mouse Mcam gene for inactivation. Our overarching goal is to provide preclinical proof of concept for a novel, one-time gene therapy approach against wet AMD and to select an optimal candidate for future clinical translation.


Heisenberg program

The Heisenberg Program is intended to enable outstanding academics who meet all the requirements for appointment to a long-term professorship to continue preparing for an academic leadership position and to work on further research topics during this time.

Heisenberg Professorship
Deciphering the mechanics that control cell shape and movement in living tissues – implications for cardiovascular biology
Project leader
Prof. Dr. Florian Gärtner
Department of Medicine I
since 2023
Project in GEPRIS
Heisenberg Professorship
Unraveling molecular mechanisms of the preferential degeneration of midbrain neurons in neurodegenerative diseases
Project leader
Prof. Dr. Lena Burbulla
Chair of Metabolic Biochemistry, Biomedical Center (BMC)
since 2022
Project in GEPRIS
Heisenberg Professorship
Intra- and Interpersonal Synchrony in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Project leader
Prof. Dr. Christine M. Falter-Wagner
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
since 2021
Project in GEPRIS
Heisenberg Professorship
Environment and development of immunological tolerance with the focus on the development of allergic diseases
Project leader
Prof. Dr. Bianca Schaub
Department of Pediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital
since 2017
Project in GEPRIS