
Teacher training for up-to-date teaching

6 Feb 2024

As part of a teacher training course, Stephan Kröger gives committed teachers an insight into his current research.

Stafen Kröger giving a seminar for teachers.

Professor Stephan Kröger is regularly involved in tteacher training courses. | © D. Diefenbacher / LMU

As part of a teacher training course, Stephan Kröger gives committed teachers an insight into his current research.

At the Biomedical Center (BMC) of LMU Munich, 14 dedicated high school teachers came together for intensive further training in the field of neurobiology. The annual training course, which is offered in collaboration with the Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V. (VBIO), is led by Professor Stephan Kröger and has been held annually at the BMC since 2015.

The content of the training is specifically geared towards the current needs of teachers and is based on the latest findings in neuroscience. The focus is not only on imparting up-to-date specialist knowledge, but also on answering individual questions on topics such as learning behavior, language development and comprehension skills.

Stephan Kröger, Professor of "Physiology of Adult Neurogenesis" at the BMC since 2007, emphasizes the importance of further training: "We should ensure that teachers have the opportunity to benefit from our knowledge on the latest research." The training enables teachers not only to convey the current status of their specialist field, but also to explain in the classroom how neurobiology will continue to develop in the future.

In addition to the annual training for teachers, Professor Kröger also gives lectures at adult education centers and regularly visits regional high schools to provide insights into his current research. In this way, he helps to inspire not only teachers but also pupils for the fascinating world of neuroscience.