
Successful door-opening day at the BMC

12 Oct 2023

As part of the national "Sendung mit der Maus" WDR Door Opener Day, the Biomedical Center (BMC) opened its doors to a group of curious children ages 6 to 10 on October 3rd, 2023.

Group picture of the participants and organizers of the Türen auf mit der Maus event at the BMC

On the door-opening day a group of very young scientists entered the labs. | © privat

As part of the national "Sendung mit der Maus" WDR Door Opener Day, the Biomedical Center (BMC) opened its doors to a group of curious children ages 6 to 10 on October 3rd, 2023. The young researchers were offered a rare possibility to gain insights into the fascinating world of biomedical research.

After a short theoretical part, the children directly went to the laboratories of the Central Facility for Flow Cytometry. For many young visitors it was the first time entering a real research laboratory, and the excitement was palpable.

Under guidance, one group dove into molecular biology and was able to extract DNA from bananas on their own. The children then observed the impressive color change of a red cabbage broth by adding various acids and bases. The other group had the opportunity to sort green fluorescent and non-fluorescent cells using flow cytometry and then check if the sorting was successful. As in research, each child received a small lab book to record their results and take it home. At the end, the children enjoyed eating together and sharing their results. All the children visibly enjoyed the experiments and were enthused about the labs.

The response to this event was great. We were able to offer 10 places, which were completely booked up within just 2 days. Surprisingly, most of the participants were not employee children, but children from the local community. Parents of participants reacted extremely positive towards our door-opening day and emphasized how grateful they were that their children were able to experience the world of research in a hands-on way. The variety of activities that were suitable for different age groups, were also seen very positively. A majority of parents and children expressed interest in the continuation of the event next year.

Beyond its classical application in the detection of surface molecules, the range of flow cytometryapplications includes the measurement of enzymatic activities, cell cycle, activation status of signaling cascades, organelle function, and soluble factor production