
International Summer Potluck at the BMC

26 Jul 2023

Colorful and loud and delicious: The BMC celebrated its international and cultural diversity on July 13 with an after-work “Multiculti Potluck” in the inner courtyard.

Impression from the BMC Summer Potluck 2023

Colorful, tasty and cheerful: The BMC Summer Potluck 2023 | © H. Klinker / LMU

With a sunny summer vibe, the get-together was infused with different flavors, languages, games, music and people of all ages, functions and origins. People brought dishes from their home countries, from gazpacho to cornbread, Obazda to tea eggs, which made for a deliciously diverse and flavorful buffet, enjoyed by all who attended.

Whereas accurate aim and teamwork gave the advantage in games of Boules and Mölkky, quiz challenges at the Student Initiative for Intercultural Competence (SINIK) pavilion were rather mind-teasers. For example, for the “intercultural math competition”, participants tested how quickly they could adapt to unfamiliar rules – analogous to challenges when confronted with different cultural mores or world views. With several other exhibits and exercises on the topic of diversity and intercultural communication, SINIK helped to raise awareness and stimulate discussion that continued over cool drinks with colleagues and new acquaintances.