Highly Cited Researchers 2024
20 Nov 2024
Christian Haass is one of the 18 LMU researchers featured in "Highly Cited Researchers 2024", the latest publication analysis by Clarivate.
20 Nov 2024
Christian Haass is one of the 18 LMU researchers featured in "Highly Cited Researchers 2024", the latest publication analysis by Clarivate.
18 LMU researchers feature in Highly Cited Researchers 2024, the latest publication analysis by the analytics company Clarivate. Uncovering the most successful scholars in their field, the analysis divides publications into 20 fields and an interdisciplinary category (Cross-Field), to which the cited researchers are assigned accordingly.
Overall, the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2024 contains some 6600 researchers in the sciences and social sciences, including the following from LMU:
Prof. Hans-Joachim Anders (Medical Clinic and Polyclinic IV, LMU University Hospital)
Some 6600 scientists and social scientists feature in the list of Highly Cited Researchers 2024, created by American company Clarivate Analytics. Clarivate’s Web of Science platform, which records academic publications and their citations, forms the basis of the analysis. The more often a researcher’s papers are cited, the higher the scientific importance and quality of the research findings are ranked. All articles published within a period of eleven years are included in the analysis. The current list evaluates publications from the years 2013 to 2023. Only the top one percent most-cited publications in the 20 fields and interdisciplinary category (highly-cited papers) are included in the evaluation.
Text: LMU Munich