
Doors Open 2024: Young researchers at the Biomedical Center

7 Oct 2024

On October 3, the Biomedical Center Munich opened its doors to curious children as part of the nationwide “Türen Auf” (Open Doors) event.

Group picture durin the Open Doors event at the BMC

This is how learning is fun: at the day of open doors, children perform experiments with cells and DNA. | © LMU

Throughout Germany, more than 750 organizers opened their doors to give young and old fans exciting insights into their work. Under this year's motto “ZusammenTun” (Doing it together), there were many great guided tours, exciting activities, challenging team tasks and much more on offer.

The Biomedical Center was also part of this national event and invited 11 young researchers to discover the fascinating world of biomedicine. Together, they isolated DNA from bananas, used red cabbage as a pH indicator and analyzed cells using a special sorting device. One highlight was checking the purity of the cells - an exciting moment for the young science enthusiasts.

“We were delighted with the many curious questions from the children,” said Dr Benjamin Tast, who was responsible for organizing the activity.