
Cancer Information Day Munich on October 19, 2024

11 Oct 2024

On Saturday, October 19, people with cancer and their relatives can find out about current cancer treatment methods and supportive counseling services at the Munich Cancer Information Day.

On Saturday, October 19, people with cancer and their relatives can find out about current cancer treatment methods and supportive counseling services at the Munich Cancer Information Day. The event is organized by lebensmut e.V., the Bayerische Krebsgesellschaft e.V., the Comprehensive Cancer Center CCC Munich and the Bavarian Center for Cancer Research. Visitors can expect an exciting program with expert presentations, workshops and numerous information stands that offer the opportunity to exchange ideas with other affected people. The event will take place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the auditorium area of the LMU Klinikum München, Campus Großhadern, Marchioninistraße 15.

Venue:Lecture hall area of the LMU Klinikum München, Campus Großhadern, Marchioninistraße 15
Time:9:00 am - 6:00 pm,
Participation:free of charge
Contact & Info:Tel. 089-4400-74918

Highlights of the day:

  • Opening lecture: Journalist and presenter Alexander Greiner will give the lecture "Kicking death in the balls - a male approach to cancer". After being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2015 and undergoing further treatment in 2017 due to bone metastases, Greiner is now actively involved in men's health and coping with cancer.
  • Lectures and online offers: A total of 33 expert lectures will provide information on modern treatment methods for various cancers as well as supportive measures. 14 of these lectures were recorded in advance and will be available online for four weeks from October 25, 2024 after registration.
  • Workshops: Five practical workshops offer support on topics such as: Fear of Relapse, Shared Decision Making, Men's Health and Young People with Cancer. Another workshop is aimed at cancer survivors and deals with life after surviving cancer. Registration required by October 14.
  • Panel discussion: A special highlight of the day is the panel discussion "High-performance medicine for all?" with renowned experts. Discussions will focus on access to oncological innovation, studies, psychosocial counseling and cooperation between hospitals and outpatient care, particularly in urban and rural areas.

Registration and further information at: