Handling and using artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI), as in ChatGPT, can be a very powerful tool when writing texts, evaluating data or programming. However, its use also entails risks. If you use AI in your dissertation, please note the following key points:

Wall clock in the great aula in the LMU main building.

Handling and use of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI), as used in ChatGPT for example, can be a very powerful tool for writing texts, analyzing data and programming. However, the use of these tools can also lead to serious errors in regard to content. If you use AI in your dissertation, please note the following key points:

  • Indicate when, where and to what extent you used AI in your dissertation! In your affidavit, you declare that you have written your dissertation on your own and that you have named all resources you have used. AI is one such resource and must therefore be named. Indicate sections in which you used AI when writing or editing.
  • Check all statements in AI-generated texts carefully. AI itself can neither recognize nor evaluate the truth of a statement, this task is your responsibility.
  • Make sure that all sources are cited correctly, in AI-generated texts, and substantiate all statements with references from the relevant literature. AI itself is not a source or author, but merely a tool. ,
  • Please note that AI-generated references are often incorrect and that each individual reference must be checked for accuracy.
  • As the author of your dissertation, you are solely responsible for the entire content of your dissertation and you are responsible for ensuring that your dissertation is correct in terms of content and form, that the rules of good scientific practice are observed and that all resources used are correctly cited. You are fully responsible for any errors resulting from the use of AI.