Hertie Foundation medMS

As part of its medMS funding program, the non-profit Hertie Foundation offers scholarships for excellent students of human medicine who are working on their doctoral thesis on multiple sclerosis.

Hertie Foundation medMS

As part of its medMS funding program, the non-profit Hertie Foundation is once again offering scholarships to excellent students of human medicine who are working on their doctoral thesis on multiple sclerosis.

Twice a year, the Hertie Foundation offers up to ten scholarships as part of its medMS funding program for students of human medicine who are working on their doctoral thesis on multiple sclerosis .

  • Students receive a 12-month living allowance of € 800 permonth.
  • Supervisors of the thesis receive a grant of € 5,000 for the doctoral project.
  • All scholarship holders are accepted into a Hertie MS doctoral group, which meets for an annual reporting symposium in Frankfurt, even after the scholarship has ended.
  • All scholarship holders are included in the fellows & friends program in order to promote early networking.
  • The sponsored students attend the European MS Congress ECTRIMS and a summer school.
  • Theses with the grade summa cum laude are awarded a prize.

Here you will find the current deadline for submitting applications.

Decisions on funding will be announced in the following quarter.
Applications must be submitted in German and in one complete file (PDF) by e-mail to the non-profit Hertie Foundation Dr. Eva Koch, Head of Multiple Sclerosis Projectsto be submitted.

The following must be done for an application for the 1st TAC member:

  • The researcher (habilitated first supervisor of the doctoral thesis) submits the application
  • The application is made in the name of the university together with the candidate with a presentation of the project (classic structure, max. 2 pages)
  • The 1st TAC member agrees in writing to supervise the doctoral project (with project, work space, time frame).

Candidates must do the following for an application:

  • The doctoral candidate agrees in writing to interrupt their studies for at least one semester of full-time academic work.
  • The doctoral candidate submits a CV, a letter of motivation, the Abitur certificate and, if applicable, the Physikum certificate.

The funding program focuses on the research field of multiple sclerosis; the medical field is of secondary importance. The students to be funded are selected by a scientific jury appointed by the Hertie Foundation. For the approval of funding by the Hertie Foundation, the provisions of its constitution and the funding guidelines apply. The funding amount (including the costs for ECTRIMS and the Summerschool) is made available to the university and administered by it. The use of the funds must be documented. The doctoral thesis or another publication of the MS project can be submitted as the final report.

All information and application criteria can be found at https://www.ghst.de/ms-forschung