The most important steps of your Ph.D.

Each Ph.D. project is supervised by thesis advisory committee (TAC) with at least 3 members. Within the first 2 semesters, the main goals are outlined in a Target Agreement and later reviewed in 2 TAC meetings, at the latest at the end of the 3rd and 5th semesters. If necessary, the objectives can be adjusted in a target amendment.

Researchers in the Core Facility Flow Cytometry at the BMC

The most important steps of your Ph.D.

  • Together with your TAC, you create and sign your Target Agreement
  • Deadline: the Target Agreement must be uploaded to the Campus Portal before the end of the 2nd semester
  • Keep the original in a safe place and submit it together with your dissertation or send the original directly to the MMRS.
  • Content of your target agreement: all important points regarding your doctoral project
    • Milestones (i.e. the most important milestones or interim goals of the project)
    • Questions and hypotheses
    • objectives
    • Training program, etc.
  • Failure to submit a target agreement iwithin the first 2 semesters, leads automatically to the termination of the doctoral project and expulsion from the program.
  • Significance of the Target Agreement: By signing your Target Agreement, you and your TAC confirm your mutual interest in the successful completion of your doctoral degree and the quality of the project.
  • For the Target Agreement you need the original signatures of all TAC members and your own original signature! Original signatures must be made by hand and with a pen on real paper. Scans, copies or faxes of signatures are not sufficient.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to obtain the original signatures at first, it is sufficient to submit them at the latest when you submit your dissertation.
Please enter all points in your Campus Portal. After saving the entries, you can download the pre-filled PDF to be signed by you and your TAC-members.

  • Regular meetings with your TAC (TAC meetings) should ensure that your project is progressing according to plan.
  • Deadline: to take place within the first 3 semesters.
  • Form: The 1st TAC meeting should take place as a meeting with all members of the supervisory committee.
  • Give a presentation to the TAC on the status of your work.
  • The TAC meeting is recorded in a report, which is signed by all TAC members. Electronic signatures are sufficient.
  • If there are significant changes compared to the original Target Agreement, please record these in a Target Amendment.
  • Upload the report of the 1st TAC meeting to the Campus Portal before the end of your 3rd semester at the latest
  • If your TAC determines that agreed work has not been completed, it can be repeated. If the agreed work is also not completed during the retake, it will be assumed that the agreed objectives for admission to the defense cannot be met either. The TAC is dissolved and the doctoral project is terminated.
  • Please use the following template for your TAC-report (PDF, 186 KB)

  • Deadline: to take place within the first 5 semesters.
  • Form: The 2nd TAC meeting should also take place as a meeting with all members of the supervisory committee.
  • Give a presentation to the TAC on the status of your work.
  • The TAC meeting is recorded in a report, which is signed by all TAC members. Electronic signatures are sufficient.
  • If there are significant changes compared to the original Target Agreement, please record these in a Target Amendment.
  • Upload the report of the 2nd TAC meeting to the Campus Portal before the end of your 5th semester at the latest
  • If your TAC determines that agreed work has not been completed, it can be repeated. If the agreed work is also not completed during the retake, it will be assumed that the agreed objectives for admission to the defense cannot be met either. The TAC is dissolved and the doctoral project is terminated.
  • Please use the following template for your TAC-report (PDF, 186 KB)

  • Under certain circumstances, scientific projects can develop differently than planned. If there are significant changes to your project (e.g. new model organism, completely new research question, new TAC member), please record these in a target amendment.
  • Changes to the Tagret Agreement must be recorded in writing in a Target Amendment
  • All TAC members must agree to the changes and sign the target amendment. If a TAC member is replaced, both the old and the new TAC member as well as all other TAC members must agree by signing.
  • Upload the signed Target Amendment to your Campus Portal
  • Keep the original in a safe place and submit it when you hand in your dissertation.
  • Please use the following template for your target amendment (PDF, 180 KB)

You can submit your dissertation in the 6th semester at the earliest and must submit it in the 10th semester at the latest. The deadline is June 9 in the summer semester and December 9 in the winter semester. Your Supervision Agreement and Target Agreement with original signatures must be available for submission, you must have successfully completed both TAC meetings and have successfully completed the curriculum with a total of 30 ECTS.

More questions?

You have any questions? Just have a look at our FAQs. If you cannot find the answers to your questions there, please contact your program coordinator.
An overview with all related documents for download is available in our Download Center.