Trailblazer Lectures

For our lecture series "Trailblazer" we invite eminent scientists to the BMC whose pioneering work opened new research perspectives. Trailblazer Lectures are organized in collaboration with partner programs.

All dates will be announced here. The lectures will also be announced on the Campus Martinsried website: Subscribe to the RSS feed and stay up to date.

Next lecture

Portrait Giulio Superti-Furga

Professor Giulio Superti-Furga

© F. Kreis / CeMM (

Professor Giulio Superti-Furga

Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna and Medical University of Vienna. More information

Date: 28.10.2025, 11 - 12 Uhr

Location: Small Lecture Hall, BMC

Title: tba

Previous lectures

DateSpeaker & title
03. Dezember 2024Shelley L. Berger (University of Pennsylvania): Epigenetic and neuropeptide (re)programming of ant behavior
02. Oktober 2024Muzlifah Haniffa (Wellcome Sanger Institute and Newcastle University Biosciences Institute): The Developing Human Immune System
26. Februar 2024Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (Janelia Research Center, Howard Hughes Medical Institute): Imaging subcellular organelle structure, dynamics, and interactions
13. Oktober 2023Xiaowei Zhuang (Harvard University): Spatially resolved single-cell genomics and cell atlas of the brain
27. Februar 2023Tony Wyss-Coray (Stanford University School of Medicine): Young blood for old brains
11. Oktober 2022Edith Heard (EMBL, Heidelberg): EMBL’s new science programme:
"Molecules to Ecosystems"
7. Dezember 2021Tony Hyman (MPI Dresden): Biomolecular condensates and their
implications for physiology and disease
  1. Shelley Berger and Peter Becker at the Trailblazer Lecture 2024

Shelley Berger and Peter Becker at the Trailblazer Lecture in December 2024.

© H. Klinker / LMU

Muzlifah Haniffa (right) and Barbara Schramel (left) at the Trailblazer Lecture on Oktober 2nd, 2024.

© D. Diefenbacher / LMU

Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (right) und Michael Kiebler (left) at the Trailblazer Lecture on Februar 26th, 2024.

© B. Nitz

Xiaowei Zhuang (right) and Peter Becker (left) at the Trailblazer Lecture on Oktober 13th, 2023.

© D. Diefenbacher

Peter Becker (left), Tony Wyss-Coray (middle) and Christian Haass (right) at the Trailblazer Lecture Februar 27th, 2023.

Peter Becker (links) und Edith Heard (rechts) beim Trailblazer Lecture am 11. Oktober 2022.